
I'm jumping in!

Hi all! I recently started lurking but thought I should intro before adding my two cents to posts! I'm Sabrina, I have a 6 month old girl, and I look forward to joining in! I hope you'll have me!
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Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: I'm jumping in!

  • Greetings!  Welcome

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

    image  image
  • I'm sorry I know nothing about Benedict Cumberbatch (sorry!)...and I love drinking beer (dos equis is my favorite)...I also like wine, champagne, and jager bombs :P
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • jager bombs get me in trouble.  Last time I had them, it was totally @futant462's fault.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Hai.
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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