
Religious discussion?

So this is a pretty tame question, but it seems like some people wanted to talk about religion, and I really do have a question, so here:

When you hear or use the word "religious," do you automatically assume (or mean) Christian?  

I ask because I'm a religious Jew, sometimes I feel like I want to jump into religious discussions except that everyone's just talking about Christianity, so I think my input would be sort of a non-sequitur.  
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Re: Religious discussion?

  • There are other posters who practice Judaism on this board. When I see religious, I assume a monotheistic viewpoint.

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  • Apparently TB assumes Christian, though:

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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  • LexiLupin said:
    With no further explanation or context, if someone just said "I'm a very religious person" or whatever, I'd probably assume some variety of Christian.



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  • No, but I live/ work in a fairly diverse area.

    I think some people might though, because a lot of my customers (that don't live in this area) have asked me what I was doing for Easter.  They were making polite conversation (I guess) but it's weird to assume everone is a Christian.




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  • I feel you want to ask more questions or something OP...

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • religious to me means following or believing and practicing in a specific religion or denomination.

    This, but overall yes, Christian would be my first thought.




  • I guess I assume Christian because I have grown up and lived in places dominated by Christians. I don't know if that makes sense...I guess in my experience I have only heard that phrase used by Christians.
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  • It's on the charger now @slappalicious.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • LexiLupin said:

    It's not so much "assuming everyone is a Christian" for me as balance of probability. Again, with no further context offered to the term.
    But I did not grow up in a diverse area (and my current environment is very Christian-centric) so there's that.

    This is what I meant. Lexi says it a lot better!

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  • No. I used to live in a pretty diverse area though. I would assume that they attend some kind of service and adhere to their religion's rules.



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  • No, but I was not raised Christian, so it's not my go-to. I would assume it meant they lived their life closely following a religious text or teachings and went to regular services.
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  • I feel you want to ask more questions or something OP...
    I don't actually...I just like religious discussion and I wanted to open it up without saying anything crazy.  I feel like a lot of people's only experience with a "religious" person is a negative one...likely because if you met a non-crazy one you'd probably not know they were religious.
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  • edited April 2014
    No, when I hear or say "religious", to me it means in all forms, not just Christian.... as in, people who choose to live their life according to a scripture (any of the various religious texts)

    It's probably easy for the mind to jump to Christian, as that is the dominant religion in the US so we're a little more exposed to it in comparison to other religions...and also Christians do tend to be more vocal about their beliefs, at least in my experience.

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  • I don't tend to think Christian. Actually, as a somewhat practicing Jewish person myself (Reform-ish), I associate "religious" with Orthodox Jewish practice primarily. That being said, I think it's a term that applies to anyone who practices their religion, monotheistic or not (ie you can be a religious/ practicing Hindu, Bhuddist, etc). 

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  • I would think either some sect of Christianity or Judaism.
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