
When Did You Start Bump Pics?

If you took weekly bump pics as a keepsake, when did you start with your multiples? I have a DS and with him it wasn't until 20 weeks, really, there was no point b/c I showed very little until then, but at 13 with twins, I am already measuring 20. Would it be lame to just take pics of my bloat and innards this early, or is that normal for multiples? DH wants to start this week, but I feel silly for starting so early, for some reason.

Me: 37 DH: 40 TTC since 9/09
#1 BFP 1/10/11; missed m/c discovered 7w5d
IF Dx: Endo, hetero MTHFR mutation, poor morphology
#1 IUI: 1/18/12 = BFN
#1 IVF/ICSI 4/2/12 = 2 x 7-cell and 1 x 5-cell transferred (3dt) = BFP!!
H was born at 41w2d on 12/29/12 - be still my heart!
#2 IVF/ICSI 1/19/14 = 2 x 8 cells transferred (3dt) = BFP!! EDD 10/09/14
M&W born at 37 weeks on 9/18/14 - I am the momma of 3 boys!!!

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Re: When Did You Start Bump Pics?

  • I started at 8 weeks!  It's been fun to see the progression. :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I started at 14 weeks (felt like I was truly safely out of 1st tri by then!)

    TTC since July 2011
    Me(33): normal HSG; diagnosed with mild PCOS

    DH(35): normal SA
    *6 cycles no meds, July-Dec. 2011, all BFN
    *Clomid for 3 cycles, Jan-March 2011: BFP March 2011
    *MC at 6 weeks

    *2 cycles off
    *Started TTC again July 2012 with Clomid, 6 cycles from July-Dec. 2012, all BFN
    *1 cycle no meds: BFN
    *1 cycle Femara: BFN
    *1st RE visit March 2013 - first IUI in April 2013 with Femara, Menopur, and Novarel (BFN); second IUI in May 2013, same protocol (BFN); two cycle break;  third IUI in August 2013, same protocol (BFN)

    *1st IVF cycle, October 2013 (Synarel, Menopur (75 iu), and Gonal-F (150 iu)) -- BFP!!  Saw two babies at our 5wk5d u/s on Oct. 28th!  EDD=June 25, 2014

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  • I started at 13 weeks...However, at 15 weeks, I was really bloated for some reason.  So it looks like I was huge that week!

    BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13


    Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at

  • I'm starting this week! About to be 12 weeks. I have a noticeable bump. I only took selfies in a mirror with DD and regret it, so I bought a chalkboard and will have DH take pics of me in front of it on Fridays (he's out of town during most of the week).


    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


    BFP#1: 11/20/11, EDD 7/25/12, Emily Iris arrived 7/29/12 at 7 lb., 3.5 oz.

    BFP#2: 8/25/13, EDD 5/4/14, MMC confirmed on 9/23/13, D&C on 9/26/13

    BFP#3: 2/3/14, EDD 10/15/14, fraternal TWINS confirmed 2/21/14, two BOYS confirmed on 4/15/14!

  • I think we are going to start this Friday! (13 weeks).
    ---------------Siggy Warning--------------------

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    Me: 32, DH: 34  / TTC since February 2011 / SA: all normal, HSG: all clear! / on Lovenox for anticardiolipid antibodies
    4 IUIs with Clomid, Letrozole, and Menopur. All BFN.
    9/12: lap / hysteroscopy: found and removed mild endometriosis, cervical polyp, and 2 para-tubular cysts
    5/13 IVF #1: Follistim, Menopur, Ganirelix, 10R/4M/4F, ET of 2, 5 cell and 4 cell, no frosties = BFN
    12/13 IVF #2 = November / December 2013. Microdose Lupron Protocol: 15R/6M/6F, Froze all 6 due to high E2 and P4
    FET 1: Jan 22, 2014 of one 4AB blast and one 3BB blast (3 blasts on ice!)
    BFP on HPT 4dp5dt, Beta #1 9dp5dt: 310, Beta #2 11dp5dt: 899
    First u/s on 2/17/14: TWINS!!!!! both w/HBs of 114 at 6w3d, HBs 150 and 152 at 7w5d

    5/27/2014: Team purple!!!!  EDD 10/10/2014 / 
    Delivered by c-section at 32w0d 8/15/2014 due to preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome
    Baby Boy 4lbs 1oz, 17 inches
    Baby Girl 3lbs 5oz, 16 inches

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 4 weeks then every 2 weeks after (just selfies in a mirror)

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

    IVF #1 Sep '11 - canceled poor response

     IVF #2 Nov '11  8R/8M/4F 3dt x2 - chemical

    IVF #3 April '12  11R/6M/4F 3dt x2 - m/c

    FET #1 Aug 2012  3dt x2 - BFN

    **new RE**

     IVF #4 Jan '13 BFN 11R/6M/6F 5dt x2 - BFN

     IVF #5 July '13 16R/10M/10F 5dt x2 + 1 frostie

    9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! 16dp5dt. Beta 2 = 4822 7wk u/s= 2 heartbeats!

    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • saskysasky member
    I took one at 9 weeks thinking I was showing but it was barely anything. 12 weeks was when I really started. I haven't been very consistent with it this time around though.

    Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010

    Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)

  • With both my singleton and the twins I started in early 2nd tri.

  • I did one at 6 wks and then once I hit 12 wks, I've done one once a week. Did the same with DS too.

    TTC #1 since December 2009
    IVF #1 - 6/2 Start Stims 6/14 ER 6/19 ET (2 embies transferred) BFP 6/27/11! Beta #1 87 Beta #2 197!! 1st U/S 7/19 (5 embies in storage!)
    7/19/11 -- One Beautiful Heart Beat!!
    It's a BOY!!

    Jack Austin born at 37w; 2/10/2012

    Working on Baby #2; FET scheduled for 1/8/2013!!! Cancelled due to nasty flu sickness :(
    FET 1.0 re-scheduled for 2/26/13! -- BFN
    FET #2 scheduled for May 2013 -- BFN
    Onto IVF #2....scheduled for June 2013, cancelled due to high estrogen levels
    IVF 2.1 re-scheduled for Sept. 2013 ER 9/26. ET 10/1 (2 transferred, 1 in storage). BFP 10/10 beta #1 105, beta #2 255
    Ultrasound 11/1 -- TWINS!!
    Both Girls!! <br>

    Harper Grace & Hailey Ryann born at 33w6d; 5/8/2014!

  • I took weekly pics starting at 4 weeks. 
    Double the love
    photo Eastercollage_zps0735f04a.jpg
    7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
  • I actually took my first one at 3w3d because that happened to be the day I got a positive pregnancy test and it was a Wednesday - all my friends were doing HDBD in one of my groups and I snapped a pic just for fun. I'm glad I have that one, as it is the one where I'm smiling the biggest. You can see the fear in my eyes in every pic past six weeks, lol.

    Grant - 6/2/11
    Glenn and Caroline - 6/19/13

  • I started taking them at 5 weeks, a few days after finding out. I didn't actually upload them to FB until we announced around 9 weeks. This is my second pregnancy so I started showing a little bit pretty early.
  • Thanks ladies! I decided to start tomorrow (13weeks)!! It is one of my favorite things to look back on :)
    Me: 37 DH: 40 TTC since 9/09
    #1 BFP 1/10/11; missed m/c discovered 7w5d
    IF Dx: Endo, hetero MTHFR mutation, poor morphology
    #1 IUI: 1/18/12 = BFN
    #1 IVF/ICSI 4/2/12 = 2 x 7-cell and 1 x 5-cell transferred (3dt) = BFP!!
    H was born at 41w2d on 12/29/12 - be still my heart!
    #2 IVF/ICSI 1/19/14 = 2 x 8 cells transferred (3dt) = BFP!! EDD 10/09/14
    M&W born at 37 weeks on 9/18/14 - I am the momma of 3 boys!!!

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  • I started at 11 weeks with the twins. I had a small little bump.


  • I started when I got my BFP hahaha.
    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
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