Trouble TTC

I dont know what to think. *update

WA1215WA1215 member
edited April 2014 in Trouble TTC
Warning, tmi. I've had very light pink spotting, just on toilet paper when I wipe. I'm 8 dpiui, and my RE told me if this 4th IUI doesn't work, we will have to move onto ivf. I will be devastated if this cycle is another bfn :( I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. I had sharp pains this weekend and Monday, and some AF symptoms last night, but I chalked that up to being at a baseball game all day yesterday and all the walking. Is implantation bleeding a myth, is this what my spotting could be? *all welcome*
**All welcome**
 Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
Married Dec. 2007
10/2013 Clomid, bfn
10/2013 HSG, all clear
11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: I dont know what to think. *update

  • Holding on to hope for you!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • Nope, I'm not taking progesterone. I just feel so numb and hopeless, waiting. Thanks everyone for the support.
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • FX that it is implantation bleeding. Anything is possible.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • Fingers crossed for you.  Hoping this was implantation bleeding.
    Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
    RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
    IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

  • -child mentioned-

    @WA1215‌ - when I got (unknowingly) pregnant with DD, I had implantation bleeding. I didn't realize that's what it was at the time, but 8 weeks later when I found out I was pregnant, I figured out that's what it was based on the timing.....(I didn't have a period for over 6 months when I got pregnant with her, so lack of period wasn't an indicator. I also just thought at the time of the spotting it WAS my period, but just really light). I don't know if implantation bleeding is common or not, but it happened to me. FX for you.
    Me: 38     DH: 36
    Married: July 21, 2013
    TTC#1 (between us): June/July 2013

    DX: MFI (low count and motility)
    Charting/OPK/CBFM July 2013-present
    1st RE Visit: January 2014
    March 2014- 75iu follistim + trigger + progesterone + IUI = BFN and OHSS
    (8 million post wash 47% motility, 18mm/17mm/16mm/16mm/14mm follies)
    April/May 2014- Benched due to cysts/enlarged ovaries
    June 2014- 50iu follistim + trigger + progesterone + IUI = BFP!!
    (10 million post wash 60% motility, 20mm/19mm follies)
    Beta 1- 85 Beta 2- 2,752 - EDD 2/27/2015

    Everyone welcome. Strength in numbers!

  • FX for sure. Keep us updated.

    Me: 30   DH: 29
    TTC since 2010
    Oct. 2012 HSG: One blocked tube, one clear
    Oct. 2012 U/S: All good
    March 2014 SA: Flying Colors

    April  2014: Met our RE/Got our plan!
    May 2014: laparoscopy/hysteroscopy removed stage II endometriosis
    June 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFN)
    July 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFN)
    August 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFP!)
    September 2014: Beta 1 at 14 DPIUI: 100
    September 2014 Beta 2 at 16 DPIUI: 239
    September 2014: Beta 3 at 23 DPIUI: 3,159
    U/S 9/26: One healthy baby! Measuring 1 day ahead and a FHR of 119 @ 6W4D (EDD May 18)
    U/S 10/26 (first OBGYN visit): Measuring 1 day behind and a FHR of 160 @ 8 weeks. Looks like an upside-down Teddy Graham!


    BabyFruit Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Keeping everything crossed for you that it is implantation bleeding!

    Me (29): Hashimoto's, CD3/7DPO bloodwork & ultrasound normal, HSG & SHG(x2) all clear
    DH (29): SA Perfect
    TTC Since Jan '13, First RE Appt Jan '14
    DX: Unspecified Ovarian Dysfunction, Long Cycles
    May '13 BFP, C/P 4w3d
    Apr '14:  50mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI #1=BFP,  Natural M/C 6.5wks
    Aug '14: 50mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI #2=BFN
    Oct '14: 100mg clomid + ovidrel + IUI#3 =BFN
    Nov 14: 100mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI#4=slow response, bad lining, cancelled
    FU with RE, more bloodwork: Anticardiolipin +
    Dec 14: 5mg Letrozole+baby aspirin +ovidrel + B2B IUI#4.1=BFFN
    Jan '15: 5mg Letrozole +baby aspirin + ovidrel +B2B IUI #5= BFP!! 
    Beta #1 210  Beta #2 546

  • just wanted to say good luck and i hope it is implantation spotting! i'm also on IUI #4 and the idea another failure is devastating : (
    TTC #1 since Sept. 2012

    June 2013: Start IF testing
    Me: Bloodwork and ultrasound all normal. Normal cycles and ovulation
    Me: HSG Sept. 2013 All clear
    DH: High viscosity, lowish numbers, but not horrible. First SA, count was 40 mill, second SA, count jumped to 80 mill. low morph. Tried mucinex for viscosity issue from June- Nov.

    Dec 2013: Clomid 50mg + Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
    ^^ 5 mature follicles all over 20mm, lining was at 7. Post wash had low numbers

    Jan 2014: Clomid 50mg + Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN
    ^^2 mature follies on each side, lining was only at 5.5. Great sperm sample post wash

    Feb 2014: 2.5 mg of Femara + Trigger + IUI #3 on Valentine's Day! = BFN
    ^^ 3 mature follicles on right side 25mm, 24mm and 21mm, Lining at 10mm!!!!!! HUGE improvement

    March 2014: 2.5mg Femara + Follitism + Trigger + IUI BFN
    ^^ 1 (possibly 2) follies, 9mm lining
  • Well, AF is here in full force. I'm devastated and numb. I guess it's time to move to the IF board and prepare myself for IVF. :(
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you @AlaskaDee23‌
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm so sorry to hear that AF showed up.  FX and T&P's for you. 

    Me: 34, DH: 32
    TTC Since September 2012
    Dx-PCOS, Anovulation, highly irregular cycles
    March 2013 Comid 50 mg+ TI #1: BFN
    April 2013 Clomid mg + TI #2: BFN
    IVM#1 Aug 2012: BFN
    20 FEB 2014:  CP
    IUI #1 Clomid 100mg  24 FEB 2014: BFN

    IUI #2 Clomid 100mg  21 MAR 2014: BFN

    IUI#3 Follistim & trigger 21 May 2014: BFN

    IVF #1 Follistim & Menopur: 14R, 9M, 7F, transfered 2 day 3 8 cell embies

    Beta #1: 7/30: 41  Beta #2 8/1: 96   Beta #3 8/4: 796   EDD:4/9/15





    All Welcome 

  • I'm so very sorry.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • I'm so sorry, honey. I hope you get your BFP after just one IVF. (((HUGS)))
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • (((Hugs))) 

    Sorry very sorry.  

    T&P for a successful next cycle. 
    ***Trigger Warning: Living and loss mentioned***

    First TTC Journey: 

    - Failed attempts at clomid with OB
    - HSG with OB, nothing found
    - Met with RE. Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy done on 08/04/2014. Results: Hymenal stenosis, minimal endometriosis, and PCOS
    BFP #1: 11/26/2014, IT'S A BOY!
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