1st Trimester

XP: PGAL and Falling Progesterone Levels

klm03013klm03013 member
edited March 2014 in 1st Trimester
Hi everyone. I am cautiously joining you here and hoping that I will be able to stay. I have been TTC #1 since Oct 2012. I got my first BFP last spring and carried to 12 weeks before finding out that I had had a missed miscarriage and that the baby had stopped developing shortly after 8 weeks, one week after DH and I saw a healthy heartbeat at our first visit.

We were devastated but started trying again after the recommended two months. We got another BFP on Halloween, only to have an early loss at 5.5 weeks.

We started trying again right away, though it was difficult since DH has started the police academy and is not home during the week, and I travel a lot for work. In fact, I had decided to stop temping until the summer to try to relax a bit. I got my BFP on the 20th. According to LMP, my doctor thinks that I am 7 weeks 5 days. However. I know that I always ovulate very late, and think I am more like 5.5 weeks or 6 weeks.

I have had four beta draws, and they all looked great even if the started a bit low. 46, then 132, then 473, and finally 1863 (this last was three days after the third). However, my progesterone started at 18 and we re-tested on Thursday and I just got a call that they are now at 14. I was concerned because I thought that below 15 was a problem. I know they may rise and fall, but it seems rather low and I was worried. It had me concerned about the cramping I had this weekend, given my history.The doctor says that she will not prescribe progesterone supplements now despite my requests for them and that we will retest on Thursday. I am worried because I feel like if there is a problem, waiting so long to do anything about it might mean that a problem is discovered too late.

So basically, does anyone have experience with good betas but low progesterone and go on to have a healthy pregnancy without the use of supplements?

Re: XP: PGAL and Falling Progesterone Levels

  • Interesting, because I know a lot of doctors feel differently. I was told by the nurse that if my levels were very low on Thursday, I may get a prescription for supplements then so she isn't holding them back now because she thinks they are pointless. I guess there are just different schools of thought on the matter, but from what I have read, they can't possibly hurt.
  • I would change doctors asap.  After our loss, I had bloodwork done very early for the 2nd pregnancy.  My progesterone was a 13 I believe and I went on progesterone supplements right away through week 12.  It's too easy not to do and it could save your pregnancy.  GL!!

    Married DH 9/30/2011 - TTC #1 since 11/2012 

    BFP 5/30/2013 EDD 2/8/2014 M/C blighted ovum 7/5/2013 8 weeks 3 days 

    BFP 11/16/2013  Beautiful, perfect heartbeat 12/9/2013 EDD 7/31/2014  Please be our rainbow baby!


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  • 12 is generally considered the cutoff.

    There is no proof that progesterone supplements help (except for in women with diagnosed low progesterone), which is why your doctor won't prescribe them to you.
    I believe that this is true and that some providers don't believe progesterone supplements do anything, BUT I couldn't find anything that suggested progesterone supplements can do any harm.

    Married DH 9/30/2011 - TTC #1 since 11/2012 

    BFP 5/30/2013 EDD 2/8/2014 M/C blighted ovum 7/5/2013 8 weeks 3 days 

    BFP 11/16/2013  Beautiful, perfect heartbeat 12/9/2013 EDD 7/31/2014  Please be our rainbow baby!


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