Good Monday morning lovelies
How did you sleep?
Any new pregnancy symptoms, cravings, or aversions?
Upcoming appointments, milestones, or updates? (Ticker change?)
QOTD: During BR there are some bad days and some not so bad days. How do you cope with the emotional and physical toll of BR? If you haven't figured out a way to cope yet what are some of your biggest struggles?... maybe someone can offer some advice.
Re: *** Monday Bedrest Check-in ***
Appt went alright. I was hoping for more answers other than "its normal". I have an appt on Thurs for my last 17p injection!! (woohoo!!!! No more pin cushion booty for me!!) And next Monday the Dr is removing my cerclage and his exact words were "I'm almost positive that yall will be having a baby next week" yikes!! Lol I'm soooooo ready for this.
QOTD: in the beginning of br it was definitely difficult, emotionally. I would spend alot of time listening to relaxing music (either instrumentals, ambient, or Christian worship songs). I spent alot of time constantly talking w/ God begging for a viable baby. I also constantly reminded myself that in the end br was only a few weeks out of my life that would not even matter once I was holding my little girl... "it's all going to be worth it in the end" that was my mantra... that IS still my mantra because physically I feel like I'm reaching my breaking point.
I have so many cravings lately. Rice krispie treats, lime popsicles, pizza, oranges, salad, cheesy crackers - food is amazing!
I hit 33 weeks yesterday! 1 week to go until I hit my first milestone. At 34 weeks, my midwife says that my baby would have the same long-term outcomes as a full term baby. Of course I hope that I can make it to 37 weeks - which is the latest they'll let me go with the pre-e. My blood pressures are still pretty good and hopefully they stay that way. Next appointment is this Thursday with a NST.
QOTD: I honestly don't know how you ladies that have been (or have to be) on BR for the majority of your pregnancy do it..... I've only been on BR for 2 weeks and it's so true - some days are horrible, and others are not too bad. When things get awful, I go lay in bed (on my left side of course!) and just cry. Support is key. Having company over during the day makes time go by much faster and I'm very lucky that both my parents and my in-laws live near by. Netflix also helps haha. I have a mantra too - "You can't always control the situation, but you can control how you react to it". I must have said this to myself a hundred times the other day. It also helps to just picture my little guy growing and getting stronger inside of me. I can't wait for BR to be over, but I would stay pregnant forever if it could guarantee a healthy baby.
So last night was a bust. Woke up at 2:20am contracting, couldn't get back to sleep until 4:30-5am when I moved to the couch then was up with DH at 6:30am for the day. Got a little nap in this afternoon.
So I'm 36 weeks today and being pretty "liberal" about my bedrest now. I met a friend for coffee in the city and got to indulge my sweet tooth with a really yummy cookie. She then helped me grab a few things at a grocery store. It felt awesome to contribute to my family again.
Today is my big milestone/ticker change. Next week I'll record a "termie dance" for my preemie mom facebook group. It's become a tradition when anyone gets to 37 with a subsequent pregnancy- can't believe I'm almost there! Doc appt/NST on Weds, I think this is for GBS, wonder if they'll check my cervix also. I'm not getting my hopes up though about any change, I have I feeling I'm going to have a cervix of steel till this last 17P wears off (did it today- yay for being done!). I really credit the 17P with getting me this far, but I'm really glad I did bedrest also.
QOTD: Ugh, the days go SO slow but the weeks have passed rather quickly thankfully. I've found trying to have a mini plan for each day really helps. Early on it was planning out a special snack/lunch or an outfit I was excited to wear. I've also had friends stop by and bring lunch which has been great. Lately it's been planning my 1 outing of the day- coffee, pick up DS, meet a friend for lunch, etc. It's really helped the time pass!
BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
@Sam0905 congrats on 33 weeks... such a good milestone! Love your advice also. Being aware of how you react to things is so key.
BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.