Stay at Home Moms

s/o spring cleaning

How to you approach getting rid of old toys?  I want to go through T's toys and get rid of old/outgrown/noninteresting stuff.  Every time I start, T insists all of the toys are his favorites.  He doesn't want to let go of anything.  Do you just bag up stuff when your kiddo isn't around? Maybe I'm being too gentle with this...
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Re: s/o spring cleaning

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    edited March 2014
    I put things away at night. After a few weeks of him not asking where XYZ is, I donate it

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    I mostly pack things away at night. Sometimes I have DS help me and he's pretty good about it. We have a friend who takes a lot of our hand me downs so I'll ask him to help me gather up some toys to pass on to J. He gets excited about it and is proud to share his toys.
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    Before birthdays and Christmas (same time) we have the kids sort through toys to donate "to kids who don't have as much as they do" and my oldest looks forward to it. I was in an orphanage/foster care when I was younger so we donate the stuff there a lot and my oldest understands that.

    We also switch toys randomly (we have a small playroom) so we have bins of them in the basement. I just sort through those and get rid of the ones that the kids haven't really used when they had them in the playroom or ones that my youngest has outgrown. They don't see them getting taken away and don't ask about them
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    DD helps me go through her toys. She is usually pretty good at getting rid of old toys. For DS and play room toys I do it during nap time. I put everything in a box in the basement. If they don't ask about anything that I placed in the box for a few weeks it goes to donation.
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