1st Trimester

5 weeks pain from ribs in the back to kidney (left side)

MarialfcMarialfc member
edited March 2014 in 1st Trimester
Hi, I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I've been having pain on my left side between my ribs to my kidney on the back for a while now. The pain come and goes (it goes specially when I put heat on it). Have anyone experienced this? I'm nervous because I've been reading up in ectopic pregnancies and I'm afraid that's what I have. I don't have any bleeding and no pain in my ovaries, only on my back side like in the kidney. Also, no pain when I pee and now weird discharge (if anything I feel like my whoha is too dry). Can anyone tell me if they've felt this before? Also, I feel very gasy and some pressure on my rectum (the pressure just started today). When I let the gas go, I feel a little better. Please help! I'm nervous! Thank you!

Re: 5 weeks pain from ribs in the back to kidney (left side)

  • I would ask your OB or GP to give peimission fora CT. I had this pain very recently with a kidney stone. They will put double-triple shields on you.

    You really want to get it taken care of because the pain can intensify & be unreal. You don't want a kidney, UTI or other infection that can put you at risk for pre-term labor.

    Talk to your doctor. Don't panic, but get checked out. In the meantime, lemon juice in your water and as much water as possible to flush your system.

    Good luck.

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  • They can possibly do an ultrasound to check for kidney stones, which would be even safer.. What does your pain feel like? Early in my pregnancy I thought I had kidney pain also and just drank more water, it went away. I've found (and you'll read on here other places) water tends to help the cramps in general in a lot of woman. It helps me. I was also "dry" until like this week.. Week 7... And gas was the worst weeks 3-5 so far. Definitely check with your dr about concerns for kidney stones or an infection though. Hopefully all is well!
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  • Thank you sm640739 , Joy2611 and  PrimRoseMama , I went to the OBGYN yesterday and thank God it's not pregnancy related. She said it's all muscular so I just need to stretch more. I didn't get an ultrasound on this visit, but they did schedule one for my first prenatal apt (it turns out they don't do an initial ultrasound on this apt) just for my peace of mind :)

    Crossing my firngers that everything looks good on April 9 :)    

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