Baby Showers

Supervisor having a baby shower

Hey ladies, I am a teacher and I supervise/evaluate several paraprofessionals. I love the women I work with and I would love to invite them to my shower, but I don't want them to feel like they have to buy me a gift, or come because I'm their supervisor. What would you suggest? I'd like them to come because I genuinely value their friendship, not their gifts. Thank you in advance

Re: Supervisor having a baby shower

  • Thanks for the responses ladies! I really appreciate it!
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  • If you see them socially outside of work, yes.  If you do not, no.  It really is that simple!
  • I agree with the other ladies that if you don't socialize outside of work, I wouldn't invite them. I'm willing to bet that if you have a good relationship with them, they are probably going to do a little something for you anyway.
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    shutaff said:
    I agree with the other ladies that if you don't socialize outside of work, I wouldn't invite them. I'm willing to bet that if you have a good relationship with them, they are probably going to do a little something for you anyway.

    100% this.  There is no need for YOU to throw a lunch.  If they want to celebrate your baby, they'll plan something. 
  • A few years ago my boss invited me to her shower and I felt uncomfortable going but didn't know what to say. So I went and I knew 2 others there and I got her a nice gift but I really wish she had just kept the boundary between her work and personal life. I think you mean well but know that they will probably feel obligated to attend and to buy you a nice gift.
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