Pre-School and Daycare

Sight words: labels, flash cards or both?

sunnydays99sunnydays99 member
edited March 2014 in Pre-School and Daycare
DS has been very interested in learning how to read lately. He has a few phonics games on the iPad and the first level of bob books. He can read and spell from memory 5-6 words so far consistently. I was thinking if doing some work with sight words. Would you just label things around the house? I also thought of making flash cards for him with a picture and the word. Is one more effective per se? Or should I just let him continue learning the way get going?

One reason I thought the flash cards might be a good idea is that he is constantly asking me how to spell random words. I thought if he has cards he could go through them until he found the picture then we could spell it together. 

Any other tips on helping him learn?
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Re: Sight words: labels, flash cards or both?

  • We have some sight word games- Pop sight words and Spot It sight words. Just something a little more 'fun' and less academic to consider.

    I think that kids pick them up as they read through the early reader books and see the same words over & over, etc but I don't really know, I'm early in teh reading process w/ my kids. The Bob books seem to have a lot of hte same words in them, instead of buying more I am using the library for them to get the next levels since my kids tend to memorize books & then I don't know if they're really 'reading' them and also those books are not like good stories you would want to re-read anyway...
  • Some kids love flash cards...I know my son does. I ended up making a deck of my own flash cards that have opposites. Next up is a matching game for Spanish and English words, and then a set for synonyms.

    You might also want to buy a game called Zingo. It's like Bingo with easy words and pictures. They also sell tougher versions with sight words and word building.

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  • @groovygrl‌ I think I'll also get the rest of the bob books from the library! My DS is the same in that he memorizes books, it definitely makes it hard to know if he's really learning! Also, when we read the first one he was like "that's it? Where's the rest of the story?!?" Lol

    @Spin313‌ I think my DS would be into flash cards as well. He's the type that likes to "study" things! Lol

    Also, I forgot that we have a sight word bingo game. I'll have to pull that out again!
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  • I do 2 index cards at a time and I tape them to the mirror in the bathroom--one on the right, one on the left.  Each has a word on them.  I leave them up for about 2 weeks at a time before I rotate.  So at least 2x a day we review them....sometimes I ask them to point to a certain word, sometimes I ask what a certain word is.
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  • *LrCg**LrCg* member
    We have a Sight Words Bingo game.  They have a lot of fun with it and it seems to be more exciting then traditional flash cards. 
  • With my two year old, I do word walls each week based on themes. Words on index cards put on a bulletin board that we go over each time we enter the classroom. We also do sight word flashcards, lots of reading, and labeling activities. We do labeling with post it notes in her play kitchen, labeling animal parts work sheets, etc. I think the labels around the home would be a good idea, as would the flashcards. Also, look into emergent reader printable books.
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