So DS likes to try and "play" with our cat. She tries to keep her distance. Well this morning she bit him on the cheek because he cornered her and now he has two little marks. We called the nurse at the Dr's and she said we should bring him in.
So I guess when you get a cat bite they give you antibiotics every time because of a certain bacteria in their mouths.So now he has a medicine to take for the next 5 days as a preventative measure.
My H is worried that we have to get rid of her, but to me she only was trying to get away from him and was not being randomly aggressive towards him. So I'm not sure what to think.......she just wants to be left alone and he wants to play....ugh.....
You can see the two little red dots on his cheek. This was right after it happened, but now it looks way less red. He only cried for a second so I think she just scared him....poor guy
Re: FYI for those with cats
Yeah, and she was defending herself so that is what is making me think that it's not a "omg get rid of her" like my DH. Of course I'm concerned that she did this, but I think I would feel differently if it was a random act of aggression towards him. kwim??
ugh and now that he crawls he is fast like a ninja dammit
and why can't we all just get along???
my read shelf:
I read it aloud though because my DH and I are having a similar issue with our cat, only she's getting more and more aggressive with us. She must think we're trees or something because she will take a flying leap and jump on our backs.
Cat bites can be quite serious. I don't know about you but literally watching my DD and making sure a cat isn't going to bite them is nearly impossible to do all the time. What about when you go pee, cook supper, switching laundry over. It only takes a second for it to happen again. And saying your LO maybe learnt from it is unlikely. How many times did they smack their heads learning to sit, it would likely take that many times to be bite by a cat to learn not to touch it, and honestly why put yourselves through it?
It's simple get rid of it or keep it locked up away from your LO at all times when LO is awake.
We have an incredibly soft dog but I still get nervous if E pesters her and unless Lola tells me herself that she won't bite her I will always keep in my mind that it could happen.
I do know if it happens again we will have to make the hard choice of getting rid of her....
my read shelf:
My IL's have dogs and while they were gentle around DS while we were there my MIL was always still cautious because they are still dogs and all dogs have the ability to turn and bite at any time.
*I'm asking seriously and not in a mocking or rude way.
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Yeah our cat has always stayed away from him since the day we brought him home. Just in recent weeks she has gotten a little more adventurous and has been coming within arms reach of him. But now that he is a crawling machine she just hadn't figured out that he is a lot faster now and that is when she got cornered.
I think she figured it out now since she has not gone near him since the incident.
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