Baby Names

Thoughts on the name Lia?

I really dislike the name Leah, but love the name Lia, which is really odd because they are pronounced the same. Anyways, what are your thoughts on Lia?

Re: Thoughts on the name Lia?

  • For some reason I want to pronounce it "Lie-Uh."  I like the name Leah a lot, though. 
  • OP - I'm the exact same way! Love Lia, dislike Leah. I knew a Rosalia (Italian) who went by Lia. So pretty.
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  • I agree.  Love Lia, dislike Leah.  I considered Lia once.
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  • tlongtlong member
    Love it spelled Lia. 
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  • I love Lia as a nn. There are so many beautiful full names with Lia as a nn. My current favorites are Magnolia and Emilia.
  • FakeFinnFakeFinn member
    edited March 2014
    I pronounce them differently lee-ah (Lia) and lay-ah (Leah). I like both. ETA: this is because I only know one Lia and she pronounces it like that.
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  • AmberL said:
    I really dislike the name Leah, but love the name Lia, which is really odd because they are pronounced the same. Anyways, what are your thoughts on Lia?
    I think that Lia is the Italian spelling. Any chance your or YH are Italian? I do think that Lia looks a little fresher than Leah, but... I can't tell if I like it or not.


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  • I like them both but pronounce them differently. Leah = lay-ah, Lia = lee-ah. I've only ever known one Lia, she was from Spain.
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  • Personally I dislike the spelling of Lia
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  • I only knew one Leah and she pronounced it Lee-ah.  Lay-uh to me should be "Leia." I think both are pretty!
  • I feel the same way, OP. No offense to anyone, but to me, Leah feels very plain. I find Lia to be the prettier of the two.
  • Much prefer Lia over Leah. Had a friend in school named Audelia who went by Lia.

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  • I'm with you on this. I love the sound of "Leah" but hated the spelling. One of my favorite authors is "Lia" and I think it's a beautiful spelling to a beautiful name. 

    For a second opinion, however, I asked my husband and he adamantly shook his head and said he'd pronounce it "Lie-A."

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  • I am the opposite. Really like it spelled Leah, dislike it spelled Lia.
  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited March 2014
    With Lia, there's little ambiguity regarding the pronunciation.

    With Leah, you don't know if it's going to be Hebrew Leah (Lay-uh) versus the Leah as Lee-uh, which I guess, for lack of a better description, is of English phonology. 

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  • Leah is very pretty
    Lia makes me think liar (pardon my Boston accent)... and who wants to be known as liar.
  • mrsfoof1 said:
    Leah is very pretty
    Lia makes me think liar (pardon my Boston accent)... and who wants to be known as liar.
    Are you pronouncing Lia with a long i sound, as in the word eye?  I'm just curious if you're saying Lia looks like liar or sounds like liar. It shouldn't sound like liar since it's like Lee-ah. 

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  • Eh it's okay, not on the top of my list, but it's not awful.
  • Makes me think you misspelled Leah.... and I think your daughter will have people asking her that her entire life.
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