Baby Names

Is this name too long?

Thanks so much to all of you for your helpful input so far ... we've finally settled on Margaret for our daughter's first name. It's my great-grandmother's name and sort of my aunt's name (she's Rita Margaret ... I love my aunt, but naming a kid Rita just doesn't seem right. It's like she would come out of the womb chain smoking). Anyhoo, we'd like the middle name to honor my uncle Casey, who passed away last year. Husband and I really dislike Casey for a girl, so we thought Cassandra would be a good alternative. I didn't change my last name when we got married and we've chosen to hyphenate our children's names. The last name is something akin to Romano-Wise. Our first daughter is Rose Diamond Romano-Wise. (my awesome grandmother's name is actually Diamond). Long post short, is this too long of a name to bestow upon a child?:

Margaret Cassandra Romano-Wise

If you think it's too long, do you have any other suggestions for a Casey-esque name? 

Re: Is this name too long?

  • It's not too long in my opinion. I think it's pretty! And how could it being that long ever be a bad thing? All three names are often not said/used together... Even on schematrons and other forms, usually just middle initial is used.

    I understand you don't like Casey... But I personally think Margaret Casey works nicely.

    Instead of Cassandra or Casey... Cassidy?
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  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited March 2014
    Very rarely will I ever think a name is too long.

    Go for it. There's a ton of meaning in this name for you. 

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  • MrsAdventureMrsAdventure member
    edited March 2014
    I completely agree with @NerdyLucy, go for it! It's a very pretty name. Besides a middle name is, more often that not, just an initial on paper work, if that's what your worried about.
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  • I don't think it's too long at all. It's beautiful and meaningful. Perfect! :)
  • Not too long.  Nice name.  I would use Cassandra.
  • I think it's a very pretty name, not too long at all. 
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  • I love long names too. I think it's fine!


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  • How often do you use your middle name?  For me unless its on some official documentation, I don't so no, it's not too long of a name as she in all probability won't be using her middle name on a daily basis
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  • From someone else with a hyphenated name: I don't think too long is an issue so long as you're not asking a 2 year old to juggle a 5+ syllable name combo as the name she uses to introduce herself (Mary Margaret, no nickname is a lot for a toddler to verbalize). We've chosen a name even longer than yours- Elisabeth Calliope Joy Last-Name. Its huge and that's okay, because she can just be Ella until she finishes growing into her name.
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  • I grew up with a long name, and I this name is a little longer than mine.  I think it's fine, though.  She'll most likely not use her middle name on a regular basis, so it's fine.

    The only time she'll have an issue is in school and on standardized tests when her whole name won't fit.  Apparently Kathryn is a long name and Kathry is all that would ever fit in my teachers books and they thought it was a typo and would call me Kathy...I despise that to this day!
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  • Thanks, all.  We're going to call her Mimi for a while (that's what my toddler calls my tummy for some reason), so I think she'll be able to handle that until she's old enough.  I appreciate the input!
  • Absolutely wonderful name!
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  • It's the same as my DD's full name, so it is not too long for me.
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