DS1 is all about bday parties lately since he had his just a couple of weeks ago. Well, the other day when I picked him up from daycare he told me that he wants to go to Peyton's (girl from his daycare class) party. I asked him how he knew she was having one and he told me that she told him. Well, I went on to say something like we'll see and he kept saying Pleeeease??? Eventually he dropped it.
So it's 3 days later and we haven't gotten an invite ... now mind you, we invited her to his party but they never RSVP'd and never came which seriously annoyed me but that's a whole other topic.
He talks about this girl all the time, it's one of his buddies at school but unfortunately I have never met her parents and have no clue who they are. Plus, our school won't give out any information on families so I can't get an email or anything to even try to set up a playdate. The only chance I have of communicating with them is leaving a note in the girls folder (which is how they got our bday invite) or trying to get to daycare when they are there but I have no clue what their schedule is.
So how would you handle this situation with your LO if they don't end up invited and they get upset about it? It just breaks my heart.....
Re: How do you handle your child not being invited to a bday party?
I have b/g twins and sometimes kids will have a single gender party so that is an easy explanation to give (though the first time it was rough on my DS and he didn't get it, thank goodness he ended up being invited to a boys' party eventually...) ...but tomorrow there is a party that I know we're not invited to (either kid so not a gender thing) and I know at least one other friend from school is and I just kept hoping all week that none of the kids mentioned it to my kids...but my plan if they did find out about it was pretty much to explain that she probably is having a smaller party and it is ok not to get invited to everything and not everyone can have the whole class. Def much harder if they find out a bunch of kids from school are going though.