Well unfortunately I'm back. I went for an u/s today, and as expect no heartbeat was found. I should be 8w6d, but I measured 7w5d. T is about when my symptoms disappeared.
I scheduled a DnC tonight.
Needless to say DH and I are devastated.
********Warning BFPs and Losses Mentioned*********
ME-38 DH-39 DX: DOR TTC since Nov 2011.
5/6/13 IUI#1 BFN
6/3/13 IUI#2 BFN
7/3/13 IUI#3 BFN
8/813 IUI#4 cancelled bc no stim
Referred to IVF
IVF #1 9/25 start Stims
10/10 ER 7 Mature Eggs
10/11 Fertilization Report-nothing fertilized so a rescue ICSI performed. 4 eggs were fertilized.
10/13 3 embryos transferred on 3 days(7 cell, 5 cell and 4 cell)
10/25 Beta BFN
IVF #2 Start Stims Feb 2014
2/7 ER 14 Embies...9 Fertilized
2/12 ET 2 excellent grade. 2 frosties
2/21/2014 First BFP EVER....ELATED
3/28/2014 Miscarried. DNC performed that day. 8w6d
6/20/2014 FET 2 frosties.
6/30/2014 SO HAPPY...BFP #2
7/21/2014 First u/s. Low heart rate. Scheduled 2nd u/s in 1 week. 6weeks
7/28/2014 U/S #2...no heartrate. Scheduled DNC for 8/1/2014 7weeks
2/15/2015 IVF #3 E2 Protocol ER 12 eggs retrieved. ICSI'd 9.
2/20/2015 2 transferred. None to freeze.
03/2/2015 Beta 4 - CP
4/2015 IVF #4 E2 Protocal
4/19/2015 ER 13R, 11M, 10F w/ICSI
4/24/2015 ET 2 blasts none to freeze
5/4/2015 Beta 1 108
5/6/2015 Beta 2 225
Re: I'm back
I'm so sorry for your loss.
BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol
2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14
IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC) PGD tested- All Normal!
IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!
FET #1 - March 26, BFN
FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14
IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!
FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13
All Welcome!
***************************Loss Mentioned***************************
Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.
IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN
IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN
IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d
IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFNIVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist
Me: 32 H: 31
IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
ET delayed due to OHSS
FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN
Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545 -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
All Welcome
***Losses mentioned***
***TTC since June 2011
***DH to see urologist Feb. 2013
***BFP #1: Feb. 2nd, 2013; M/C #1: Feb. 12th, 2013 5w3d
***1st RE appt. April 10th, 2013
***IUIs #1-4 all failed
***IVF Consult October 7th, 2013
***IVF #1- January 2014: ER 1/20, ET of 2 embryos 1/23, Beta 2/5 *none to freeze*
***Feb 14th, 2014- M/C #2 @ 5w5d
***RPL Bloodwork---- diagnosed with Factor V Leiden and MTHFR
***appt. w/ Genetic Counselor- April 18th
***hysteroscopy/laparoscopy scheduled for May 22nd- looks good
***IVF #2- July 2014
***7/26 Retrieval- 3 eggs , 2 fertilized , none to freeze
***7/28 ET- 2dt of 2 embryos, stick little embies!!!
***8/11 beta- BFN
***WTF- DE IVF best option now
***DE IVF- January 2015
Missing my 5 angels
Me (36) - LOR, DH (34) - MFI (low count & poor motility)
TTC since 01/2012
11/2012-04/2013 Unmonitored Clomid cycles through OB/GYN; Referred to RE
05/2013-Benched due to cyst
06/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + TI = BFN
07/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
08/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN
09/2013 - Benched for lap & hysteroscopy (Stage II Endo Removed)
10/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #3 = BFN
11/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #4 = BFN
12/2013 - Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI #5 = BFN
2/2014 - IVF #1 - Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 5R/4M/4F w/ICSI; 2 embies transferred on day 3 (none to freeze)
2/27/14 - First BFP Ever!!! EDD 11/3/14
TTC since 08/2012
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
12/12: c/p
4/13: c/p
8/13: Started seeing RE; DX: Unexplained IF, RPL testing normal, SA perfect.
Oct - Dec '13: Clomid 25 mg + Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
2/14: IVF #1 Gonal F + Menopur + Ganirilex + Lupron trigger w/ HCG boost= 28R, 11M, 5F. 5dt 4BB, 1 frozen 4BB. BFN
4/14: IVF #2 Saizen, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirilex = 20R, 10M, 10F. 5dt of 2 4AB, 2 frozen 4BB. +HPT 4dp5dt, Beta 4/26
09/12 lap/hysteroscopy =removal of mass on bladder, possible blocked tubes
12/12 hysteroscopy=tubes clear. uterine septum removed
01/13 fermara step up + iui=cancelled due to no response
02/13 clomid step up + iui=cancelled due to no response
07/13 gonal-f + trigger + b2b iui = bfn
08/13 bravelle(slow response) switched to menopur + trigger + b2b iui = bfn
10/13 - IVF#1 w/ ICIS. ER= 10/29/13 (21R 10F 6 blasts made it to freeze)
11/25/13 - FET #1, transfer 2=bfn
03/03/14 - FET #2, transfer 2 frosties=BFP! beta#1=22, beta#2=43, beta#3=120. Ectopic Pregnancy 6w5d
07/31/14 - FET #3, transfer our last two.
My TTC Story:
Me: 40,DH: 48, Married 10/07/2011, TTC since 09/2011, 03/2012 Started Clomid, 04/2012 Clomid, 05/2012 Clomid, 06/2012 Went to RE, he found a plum size fibroid in uterus, husband has low sperm count, 06/06/2012 Removed fibroid, 08/2012 Hysteroscopy
IVF #1 October 2012 - Retrieved 8 eggs, 5 fertilized, 10/13/2012 Transferred 3 embryos - 8, 5, and 4 cells, the other 2 eggs did not survive freezing, 10/26/2012 BFP!! Beta: 11, 10/26/12 Beta: 2 = Chemical Pregnancy
IVF #2 - March 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 5 eggs, 4 fertilized, 4 Frosties - 8, 9, 7, and 7 cells all in good condition.
IVF #3 - May 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 2 eggs, 2 fertilized, 2 Frosties - 6 and 8 in good condition.
FET #1 - September 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - both 8 cells - BFN
FET#2 - November 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - BFN
FET#3 - February 2014
*PAIF/SAIF Welcome*
2013: BFP #1 - M/C 3/13
2015: Dance break = got healthy
7/2016: IVF #5 = BFP!!!