
Bladder injury during c-section?

During my 2nd c-section the Dr accidentally nicked my bladder a couple times. He had to repair the cuts which meant I was in surgery for longer than expected. I had to have a catheter for 10 days, then be readmitted to the hospital to go through numerous tests to be sure that everything was healed properly. I was given the green light by my doctor to have another c-section. Now I am expecting #3! I am very nervous about the possibility of having my bladder cut again. Has this happened to anyone else? I know it is pretty uncommon.

Re: Bladder injury during c-section?

  • Omg. I have no experience with this but I'm sorry it happened! Is the same doc doing the 3rd c-section? I'd make sure we have a little chat before surgery!! Good luck!
  • dmessdmess member
    My bladder wasn't nicked it was completely cut in half :( recovery was hell.

    Now I pregnant with #3 and my dr ( not the one who did my last one) said he will do a vertical incision to avoid the bladder area altogether.

    I am still scared to death :(
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  • Ugh, I am so sorry to hear that:( how long did it take to heal? I was OK 10 days pp when they took the catheter out. When is baby #3 due? I have my first appointment next week... different Dr. I am very curious to see what he has to say about it.
  • dmessdmess member
    I was with a super pubic catheter for 2 months :( the worst was how little I was capable off and I had 2 kids at home. I lost a lot of blood so it took a while to get my levels up.

    I am due dec 7 but dr said they will deliver sooner especially if my blood pressure issue returns

    Terrified is an understatement
  • Yep--I had the EXACT same thing.  However, my bladder had adhered to my uterus and through trying to have a VBAC got stretched the was so thin my doctor could see through it.  So it got cut and torn.  Catheter for 2 weeks and check ups.  But here I am 18 months PP and am totally fine.  I was terrified that I wouldn't be and really feel fine bladder wise (I have scar tissue issues but that is different).  We are contemplating a 3rd and our doctor said we could but I am not sure.

    Good luck and stay positive.  It really is much better.
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