February 2014 Moms

how easily does LO go to sleep?

edited March 2014 in February 2014 Moms
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one struggling with a baby who is nearly impossible to put to sleep. I dread bedtime everyday, counting the hours until my hell begins.
It stinks that bedtime comes at the end of the day, when you're already exhausted.
So tell me, which is closest to your situation?
The blank poll #2 is supposed to say less than 15 minutes of soothing. Stupid mobile phone and fat fingered mistake.

how easily does LO go to sleep? 135 votes

I put LO down while still drowsy and he/she falls asleep
24% 33 votes
<15 minutes of soothing/rocking etc. and I can lay LO down to sleep
10% 14 votes
15-45 minutes of soothing and LO is asleep
15% 21 votes
We have an hour long battle or more each night
10% 14 votes
I can put LO to sleep fairly quickly, but he/she wakes up as soon as I put him/her down
11% 16 votes
I nurse LO to sleep
24% 33 votes
2% 4 votes

Re: how easily does LO go to sleep?

  • For the most part I nurse her to sleep...but a lot of times she still goes to bed drowsy and puts herself to sleep.
  • I'm 2.5hrs into battle.
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  • Nighttime is easy. We give her a bottle and then I nurse until she pops off and passes out. As long as I put her in the RNP and not the bassinet, she stays out for 4-6 hrs! Then it's just a quick diaper change/nursing and she's back out till morning. Can't complain there. But now daytime naps... OMG it's a daily battle :-(. Can't have it all.






  • It depends on the night. Some nights she has been up from 10pm to 2 am. Other nights I nurse her and she is out. We don't follow a schedule or set bedtime though so I just go with whenever she falls asleep.
  • PS- Right now I'm ticked b/c LO is asleep and now my insomnia has decided to kick in! WTH body?!






  • At our house, DH is in charge of bedtime. LO gets a pumped bottle, and DH does pajamas, etc., while I get 30-45 minutes to sleep or relax. DH usually brings LO in sleepy but not asleep. LO squirms for a few minutes and then falls asleep.
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  • My first took hours (days???) to fall asleep. This one can fall asleep anywhere, any time. Even if his reflux is acting up, if dude is tired he is out. My husband had to sometimes drive our first around town at night to make her sleep. She had bad reflux but was also just not easy. Based on this heavily researched science, I really think a baby's personality plays a big role. Good luck. It's the worst trying to make a baby sleep who just will not.
  • DS2 falls asleep so easily on his own, but DS1 would only sleep while nursing (and then wake up if I tried to pop him off or put him down). He didn't sleep through the night until shortly before his 2nd birthday and even now frequently wakes up overnight. Every kid is different. 

    What helped with DS1 was bed sharing and side lying nursing, so I could basically nurse in my sleep and not feel like a total zombie during the day. I also went to bed when he did for the first 6-8 months of his life (or wore him in the evenings while he stayed latched on).

    This too shall pass!

    ~ Married 10.30.04 ~
    DS1 born 12.31.11 ~ DS2 born 2.4.14

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  • I spent 3+ hours putting LO to bed tonight. She rewarded me with a poop explosion out if her diaper at 4am. Grrr
  • He generally goes to bed easily in the rnp. Sometimes he won't fall asleep right away but he usually doesn't cry after he is swaddled. However, he sucks at napping during the day. Fair trade off, I guess. Though who doesn't like naps? I love naps.
  • For the most part I nurse her to sleep...but a lot of times she still goes to bed drowsy and puts herself to sleep.

    This is me. But we bed share, so drowsy, then we lie down, and she fully goes out with DH or I touching her. We either gently have an arm across her(1 armed hug) or hold a hand. Anything so she knows we are there. It normally take less them 5 minutes off the boob.
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  • I checked an hour, but it's more like 2-3.  He'll start to go to sleep, lay him down, then 10 min later screaming again.

  • LO is flexible about the hour of bedtime as long as we follow the same routine- he doesn't know if it is an hour different than usual! But we always feed him his nightly bottle, usually 9 or 930 and lay him down after holding him for 10 min until drowsy. He usually wakes up, but will fall asleep on his own, no fussing. He generally sleeps 5 hours, but it's normal to get 6 hours out of him. We find that a bath, then feed, then swaddle will make him even sleepier. I am, however dreading the day he starts to roll and we have to let him sleep without the swaddle pod :/
  • our day time naps are a huge battle but nighttime is much better. we have a routine which really helps her stay asleep longer. the lights are dimmed, the room is more quiet, jammies on and diaper changed, she gets her bottle, then in her Halo sleep sac. sometimes DD will fuss and I'll rock her a little but she usually falls asleep while drinking her bottle. she only gets up once in the MOTN but we follow the same routine and she hardly wakes up.
  • Soap1Soap1 member
    Nighttime is easy. We give her a bottle and then I nurse until she pops off and passes out. As long as I put her in the RNP and not the bassinet, she stays out for 4-6 hrs! Then it's just a quick diaper change/nursing and she's back out till morning. Can't complain there. But now daytime naps... OMG it's a daily battle :-(. Can't have it all.
    This.  Nights are easy for us.  Days are a different story!

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  • Bouncing on a yoga ball is my winning strategy but i have t make sure shes fully asleep before i put her down
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