Trouble TTC

You know you're TTTC when...


Re: You know you're TTTC when...

  • Another...

    When you finally have spotting at CD 46, thanks to Provera, scream "yahoo" in the bathroom and give your partner, DW in my case, a high five. All because it means that you can finally try again.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • @cu97tiger that has totally happened to me before!! It's crazy that no drug stores sell sterile specimen cups! I ended up driving to work at 10:30 pm (I'm a nurse at a hospital) to get one. My friends at work got a kick out of that.
    OMG I can identify with so many of these! Lol You ladies keep me laughing!

    ********Siggy/Ticker Warning***********

    Me (35) no known issues DH (37) MFI. TTC 21 months (24 cycles)
    Dx MFI with low to normal count, low motility, morphology 3%
    HSG normal, ultrasound and labs on me all normal. 

    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and TI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and IUI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    Started seeing an RE!!
    2 more cycles of clomid 50mg (great response), with IUI and Pregnyl trigger (4.8-8 mil good ones after wash) = all BFN
    1 cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7) followed by Follistim 75iu (7-11) + IUI = BFN
    December 2013 DH saw urologist and is taking Anastrozole, CoQ10, and L-Carnitine
    IUI #5 natural cycle (needed a med break) = BFN
    IUI #6 Follistim 75iu (CD3-10) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI (final count after wash 300K) = BFN
    IUI #7 Follistim 75iu (CD3-9) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI on 2/20 (post wash count 12.5 million)= BFN
    IUI cancelled (DH OOT) Clomid 50mg (CD3-7) 1 follicle +(not well timed) TI = BFN
    IUI #8 and last one!! Clomid 100mg (CD3-7) +OPK before US + IUI 4/17 (post wash 8.5 mil)= BFN

    Pre-IVF testing complete! SHG great and measurements taken! Labs for infectious diseases completed, FSH (5.4), TSH (1.6), Prolactin (11), AMH (2.6), Estradiol (40).

    Started BCP 5/29 and Lupron 6/11 prep for IVF #1! Started follistim 225u/day on 6/28. Monitoring on 7/2 >15 follicles measuring 11-14, E2 758. Monitoring on 7/5 all ready to go!! Great follicle sizes and lining is at 9. Tigger 7/5, ER 7/7 16R 9M 3F. Stimmed too fast in just 7 days. 7/10 3dt of 2 8-cell grade 2 & 4. 7/14 P4 >60.
    Holy crap BFP!!!
    Beta #1 (14dpo) 7/21 112 Beta #2 (16dpo) 7/23 286 a Beta #3 (18dpo) 7/25 761 Beta #4 (21dpo) 2631!!! Hold on tight little embies!!
      First Ultrasound 8/7- 1 perfect little bean with a beating heart 117bpm!! EDD 3/30.
    Second ultrasound 9/2 Little bean measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 161!

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!


    Pregnancy Ticker

    March 15 Siggy Challenge: You had one job

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  • StacyLH24 said:

    -you can pick out your follies on the screen before the nurse points them out and know if they are measurable enough.

    So true! When I'm sitting there half naked waiting 30 minutes for the dr to show up and do my u/s I always starting thinking...I bet DH could do this! We certainly know what we are looking at! As soon as I see that screen I know whether or not it's good news!

    Me (29) DH (37)

    Married 7/11

    Actively TTC 3/12

    DX: PCOS

    Current treatment: Break from IUIs until after the holidays

    -----All Welcome----


    ~~~January 3T Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolutions~~~

    (I don't do I stole T-Rex's)



  • StacyLH24 said:

    -you can pick out your follies on the screen before the nurse points them out and know if they are measurable enough.

    So true! When I'm sitting there half naked waiting 30 minutes for the dr to show up and do my u/s I always starting thinking...I bet DH could do this! We certainly know what we are looking at! As soon as I see that screen I know whether or not it's good news!
    For my last cancelled cycle, I saw the first ovary on the screen and knew we were out because there were too many. The nurse didn't need to say a word before I said that it wasn't looking good.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • rella22rella22 member
    these are all so great and so true. I think my biggest one is magically during every 2ww I experience every pregnancy system known to woman!!!!
    aaaaaaand then AF comes :-w


    me: 28 - all test normal
    DH: 33 - SA normal


    TTC since September 2011
    2011-Oct.2013 - trying off and on, ob/gyn, no meds
    November 2013-December-EOD, ob/gyn, no meds

    January 2014- ob/gyn ordered Clomid (50 mg) unmonitored, EOD-BFN
    February-Clomid 50 mg. unmontiored, EOD - BFN
    March-Switched to RE
    April- 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    May - 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    June-*BREAK/Switch RE*
    July- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #1- BFN
    August- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #2 - BFP!!!!

    EDD: May 7th, 2015: Team PINK

  • Haha I just spent longer than I care to admit reading these and cracking up!!

    My "you know your TTC" is when I keep my skinny clothes that are too tight and the "I have to suck in too much clothes", because SOON I'll have a bump and oh my gosh the bump will look so cute in this outfit!" 

    My "you know your on a break TTC" is when you wake up and have to pee really bad and think 'oh sh*t when you're on the toilet and then feel relieved and think, oh never mind I'm not using OPK's this month. No waste of FMU here! :)
    Me: 31 DH: 31
    TTC#1 since Sept. 2011
    March 2012-June 2012 - IUI's- BFN

    Sept 2012= IVF #1- 14 eggs, 9 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts 5dt=BFN
    Oct/Nov 2012= IVF #2- 20 eggs, 14 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts transferred despite mild OHSS=BFN
    Nov 2012= hubby got transferred, moving to new state, time for a break until summer!
    Feb 2013= Natural BFP!! Valentine's day surprise! 
    Mar 2013= m/c @ 7.5 weeks :(

    *New RE*
    July 2013= ER for a freeze all cycle. 21 eggs, 9 fert, freeze all day 1.
    Lab is closed in August! (Of course!) 
    Sept 2013= FET #1 - transferred 3 not so great quality day 3 embies=BFN
    Oct 2013= FET #2- transferred 4! 3 good, 1 poor= BFP! On hubby's birthday :)
    Started bleeding at 5w5d. ER trip confirms one gest sac, one yolk sac, no fetal pole. 6w u/s showed nothing. Levels drop from 4,500 to 250. 
    Nov.2013=meet with RE to discuss where to go from here.
           *Tests showed PCOS-ish. High testosterone. Start Metformin 1500 mg.
    February 2014- CLomid, IUI, Trigger. 4 juicy and ripe follies (24,25, 28 and 34!) 111 million post wash sperm count. BFFN!!!! WTH?
    March 2014- Over my RE. Year of fun for us and looking into RMANJ.
  • Haha I just spent longer than I care to admit reading these and cracking up!!

    My "you know your TTC" is when I keep my skinny clothes that are too tight and the "I have to suck in too much clothes", because SOON I'll have a bump and oh my gosh the bump will look so cute in this outfit!" 

    My "you know your on a break TTC" is when you wake up and have to pee really bad and think 'oh sh*t when you're on the toilet and then feel relieved and think, oh never mind I'm not using OPK's this month. No waste of FMU here! :)
    Yes! I have some dresses that every time I wear them I stick out my stomach and think how it would work perfectly if I had a bump and be so cute!! LOL

    Me: 32  DH: 33  Married: March 2004

    July 2006: started TTC
    2008: HSG (normal), couple rounds of clomid through gyno
    2008 - 2010: dragging my feet out of fear and procrastination
    October 2010: first consultation with RE, dx PCOS and fibroids (DH slightly low count/motility)
    Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2012:  In DENIAL! avoided the issue because I was scared of surgery
    January 2013: returned to RE, fibroids grew significantly
    February 2013: second HSG, fibroids pushed on tubes which blocked them somewhat
    March 2013: MRI to determine what type of surgery may be necessary

    July 29, 2013: fibroids (5) removed via robotic laparascopy
    August 2013 - Nov 2013 : benched due to recent surgery

    IUI #1, Dec. 24, 2013, BFN 
    IUI #2, Jan. 25, 2014, BFN
    IUI #3, Feb. 25, 2014  BFN
    IUI #4 canceled due to lack of response to letrozole
    IUI #4.1 April 28, 2014, BFN

    May 16, 2014: wtf consult, start prepping for IVF in June and add injects for one last IUI in the meantime
    IUI #5 started letrozole and bravelle but canceled after HSG led to new diagnosis

    May 21, 2014: third HSG, tubes blocked, one at the beginning, one hydrosalpinx??
    June 11, 2014: consult, approved to move on to IVF because the hydro is not completely blocked therefore allowing fluid to move through slowly rather than backwards
    IVF #1 August 8, 2014 - 3dt of 2 embryos, BFN
    September 17, 2014 - 4th HSG, the right tube is very patent (open!!) dye went straight through this time. Weird!
    October 2, 2014 - started metformin treatment
    November 14, 2014 - blood work, brought A1C down from 5.8 to 5.5

    November 26, 2014 - RE finally back from vaca and reviewed my chart, no more IVFs for rest of calendar year
    December 1, 2014 - Right after Thanksgiving, I called a new clinic and got in right away! Plan for IVF
    December 17, 2014 - ER! 29 retrieved (!!), 16 mature, all 16 fertilized (ICSI)

    IVF #2 December 20, 2014 - 3dt of 3 embryos, BFN

    We are done with treatment unsuccessfully. :(

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!

    image    image
  • emmuffyemmuffy member
    You know you are ttc when you breathe a sign of relief when you get the "good" ultrasound tech and cringe when it's the stabby one.

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

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  • You know you are ttc or having trouble ttc when you budget out your paycheck and set money aside for RE appointments.
    Me: 26 (IC/PCOS-2000mg of Metformin daily)

    June 2014- HSG=clear

    DH: 27 (SA results were great minus the slightly low morphology)
    Started dating DH in 2002 at 14 years old
    Married on 03.01.2014
    Officially TTC since April 2014 
    January 2013- Surprise BFP, m/c at 6 weeks, D&C 2 Weeks later
    April 2014- First RE appointment
    July 2014- IUI#1-Canx due to scar tissue and polyps. TI with the help of Ovidrel. BFN

    August 2014- Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue and polyp

    September 2014- IUI #1.1-100mg Clomid, Ovideral, 11.5 million swimmers=BFP

    EDD-6/3/15- Our sweet baby Ryan was born on 1/6/15 and is in the arms of an Angel

    Dx with IC on 1/6/15

  • Now that it is warmer out, you are thinking of excuses for needle bruises on your arm. Some of my family and friends think I am constantly donating blood.
    PCOS Dx 2007. 
    Married 2011. 
     TTC 2013. Anovulatory. 
     Medicated Cycles 
    #1: clomid (50mg)= no response 
    #2: clomid (100mg)= BFN 
    #3: clomid (100mg)= no response 
    #4: clomid (100mg) +ovidrel = BFN 
    #5: clomid (100mg then up to 150mg) = no response
    #6: IUI #1 follitism (4 days 100iu=nothing injection pen not working, 5 days at 150iu and 15iu HCG + ovidrel) = BFN
    #7: IUI #2 clomid (100mg)+ ovidrel = BFFN
    #8: IUI #3 letrozole = no response, follitism + low dose HCG + ovidrel = beta day June 24th!
  • @LRsnowflake‌ I hadn't even thought of that because I haven't done injects or had labs in a while!! Now that I'm starting IVF, my thighs are going to be all bruised up (hopefully my shorts are long enough to cover them though lol), and my arms from all the lab draws! Ugh! Because of all the bloating from stims, I doubt I'll be in a bikini so at least no one will see my the ton I'll have on my abdomen! I'm not sure what excuses I'm going to give...

    ********Siggy/Ticker Warning***********

    Me (35) no known issues DH (37) MFI. TTC 21 months (24 cycles)
    Dx MFI with low to normal count, low motility, morphology 3%
    HSG normal, ultrasound and labs on me all normal. 

    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and TI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and IUI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    Started seeing an RE!!
    2 more cycles of clomid 50mg (great response), with IUI and Pregnyl trigger (4.8-8 mil good ones after wash) = all BFN
    1 cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7) followed by Follistim 75iu (7-11) + IUI = BFN
    December 2013 DH saw urologist and is taking Anastrozole, CoQ10, and L-Carnitine
    IUI #5 natural cycle (needed a med break) = BFN
    IUI #6 Follistim 75iu (CD3-10) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI (final count after wash 300K) = BFN
    IUI #7 Follistim 75iu (CD3-9) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI on 2/20 (post wash count 12.5 million)= BFN
    IUI cancelled (DH OOT) Clomid 50mg (CD3-7) 1 follicle +(not well timed) TI = BFN
    IUI #8 and last one!! Clomid 100mg (CD3-7) +OPK before US + IUI 4/17 (post wash 8.5 mil)= BFN

    Pre-IVF testing complete! SHG great and measurements taken! Labs for infectious diseases completed, FSH (5.4), TSH (1.6), Prolactin (11), AMH (2.6), Estradiol (40).

    Started BCP 5/29 and Lupron 6/11 prep for IVF #1! Started follistim 225u/day on 6/28. Monitoring on 7/2 >15 follicles measuring 11-14, E2 758. Monitoring on 7/5 all ready to go!! Great follicle sizes and lining is at 9. Tigger 7/5, ER 7/7 16R 9M 3F. Stimmed too fast in just 7 days. 7/10 3dt of 2 8-cell grade 2 & 4. 7/14 P4 >60.
    Holy crap BFP!!!
    Beta #1 (14dpo) 7/21 112 Beta #2 (16dpo) 7/23 286 a Beta #3 (18dpo) 7/25 761 Beta #4 (21dpo) 2631!!! Hold on tight little embies!!
      First Ultrasound 8/7- 1 perfect little bean with a beating heart 117bpm!! EDD 3/30.
    Second ultrasound 9/2 Little bean measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 161!

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!


    Pregnancy Ticker

    March 15 Siggy Challenge: You had one job

  • Just caught myself doing another "you know your trying to conceive" when you're constantly rubbing your boobs to see if just maybe they're sore or hurt just a little bit during the 2ww!!


    me: 28 - all test normal
    DH: 33 - SA normal


    TTC since September 2011
    2011-Oct.2013 - trying off and on, ob/gyn, no meds
    November 2013-December-EOD, ob/gyn, no meds

    January 2014- ob/gyn ordered Clomid (50 mg) unmonitored, EOD-BFN
    February-Clomid 50 mg. unmontiored, EOD - BFN
    March-Switched to RE
    April- 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    May - 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    June-*BREAK/Switch RE*
    July- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #1- BFN
    August- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #2 - BFP!!!!

    EDD: May 7th, 2015: Team PINK

  • You know you are having TTTC when...

    you no longer consider sex as a means to getting pregnant.

    You get a bill for a few hundred dollars and think it's a good deal.

    You realize people are lapping you in the baby department (someone I went to college with has gotten pregnant, had a baby, gotten pregnant again and is due in a few months, all of this happened during the time we have been TTC).




    TTC #1 since August 2011

    My Blog

    September 2012: Start IF testing

    DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA  Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA

    October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos

    November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues.  Converted to freeze all due to lining issues.  2 blasts frozen on day 6!

    January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues

    April 2015: FET #2.1

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

  • I really needed this thread tonight. I can relate to so many of these. 
    @DharmaChick I do the same thing with Amazon. My husband gets so excited when I place an order since he gets to get something as well lol...

    You know you're on a TTC break when:

    You feel odd that your husband has been the only person who's seen your vag in the last few weeks

    You wonder how many follicles you have, if any, and what they look like

    You get excited to sleep late... you know, waking up at 5:50 rather than 4:50am

    Me and DH: 32, TTC since 2/2012
    Dx: lean PCOS, low hormone levels, 2 CP's before seeing RE, MTHFR heterozygous
    IUI #1 with clomid and ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 with clomid (unresponsive), femara, ovidrel and novarel: Possible CP
    IUI #3 with femara, ovidrel and novarel: BFN
    IUI #4 with Follistim (115 iu) and ovidrel= BFN, developed OHSS, benched- 2 weeks of birth control pills
    IUI #5 with Follistim (75iu) and ovidrel= BFN........Taking a medication break for a few months
    IUI #6 with Follistim (75iu) every other day, femara and Lupron trigger= BFN
    *Taking a long break to get healthy and research/prepare for IVF*
    Goal: gain 5 lbs, gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
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    3T June Siggy Challenge- Celebrity Crush: Woody Harrelson
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