Do people really name girls Elliott? Do you know of any?
I was really, really liking Elliott for a boy and it quickly became my #1. Now I can't stand the thought of having to make it clear that my child is a boy. Or worse yet, having my son in a class where there is a girl named Elliott.
I think I'm back to Patrick or James...
Re: Female Elliotts?
I don't know any personally.
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
I love it! I'm glad my DH agreed to it for our second son. We spelled it Eliot (a less common but accepted variation). I don't care how many people use it for girls. It sounds masculine to me.
ETA: I know of one young girl named Elliott in our area. It doesn't change my mind.
IMO it's a boys name and always has been. I can't for the life of me understand why, with all the perfectly beautiful girls' names out there, people have to keep using boys' names on girls. It makes no sense to me.
I love the name Rosemary, but we're having a boy. Just because I had my heart set on a Rosemary does not mean I'm going to name my son that.
I do know an adorable little girl whose name is Avery James.
I wouldn't let the potential that someone might use your sons name on a girl stop you from using your favorite name. Love all three options , btw!
DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
I'd be annoyed, too. Yes, I think you're safe with Patrick. However, Elliott will always be a boy name to me. If that's the name you love, you should still use it.
Oh no, really? I really hope you don't live in Illinois!? I mean that in the nicest way possible
As for the comment about James being used for girls - I do know a girl with that as her middle name...BUT it was her mother's maiden name, so it's not really meant to a name in the typical sense, just used to keep the family name in there.
IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
DX - PCOS 2004
FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15
I imagine this is how moms felt when Ashley, Whitney and Kelly made the shift to being more popular for girls. Either way, history repeats itself and names switch over.
I have a different opinion but I'm also not one to tell someone a name is horrible for their baby most of the time.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Ugh. Won't let me ETA.
I know a woman whose first name is a legit female name, and her middle name is Michael, after her father Michael. Her little brother? They named him Michael (first name). So there's father Michael, sister with mn Michael, and then brother Michael.
Ugh. Won't let me ETA.
I know a woman whose first name is a legit female name, and her middle name is Michael, after her father Michael. Her little brother? They named him Michael (first name). So there's father Michael, sister with mn Michael, and then brother Michael.
Okay, so I will say that's a bit much! There is another girl Ryann with justone N, so Ryan, in my daughter's class and she was going to be named Michael but her dad vetoed it.
I did know a couple named Jaime (wife) and Jamie (husband). They were going to name their DD Jaime and somewhat joked (I think they somewhat actually were thinking about it) that if they had a boy they would name him, Jamie. We lost touch but now I'm curious about what they did.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Haha, oh no, we would never!
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Both horrible girl names. Love Elliot on a boy.