Today we had a play date with a baby that is 8 weeks younger than ds. However, there is a pretty large size gap (ds is 22 lbs and the other baby is 15 lbs). Anyway, ds would randomly start hitting the other baby! Like swatting him in the face. Ugh, it was awful. His friend would immediately start crying and I felt so bad. Each time ds hit him, I picked him up and said, "No, we do not hit." He did this at least three times. I have no clue what to do other than gently correct him and redirect. PWHEWS, is this normal for this age? What are other ways of handling these situations? I know he is young and it is clear he doesn't really understand what he is doing, I just don't want it to develop into some thing more. I am probably over-reacting.
Re: Hitting
my read shelf:
My niece was really in to hitting and slapping. She would do it to all other babies and kids. The only thing that really worked was keeping her away from smaller babies until she got a bit older and could understand not to do it. She was never near A unless I was holding her or sitting with them, and even then she managed to get a few hits in. I would just tell her "gentle, nice" in a nice voice.
Leaving the kids alone would have meant one of them is getting hurt. Even with kids her own age she was really aggressive. She is now about 21 months and is so much better. She can be around anyone now and things are fine.
I don't mind a child touching but if you know your kid hits and bites you should be close enough to stop most of it. Edit Sorry, we had an incident this week at the baby gym. One mother sat back with her coffee while her daughter hit, slapped, pulled hair and was a mini terror. The baby was a sweet little girl but she needed her mom to keep her away from the other babies until she is old enough to learn not to act like that. Babies are just babies but the mom should know better.
My niece was a very difficult baby when she was around other babies. She was so smart it was scary, she just happened to love to poke, hit, smack and bite. She was always watched around other kids but sometimes babies are just quick. My sister found it less stressful for herself to limit her time at the gym and similar places. She outgrew it eventually.