
s/o stalker feed

It would be nice if it bumped the things commented on like threads.  If I make a random comment on someone, like the troll that I am, I have to go back searching for their wall.  It's rather inconvenient.  

Again, I would also like to request the side bar return.  This needs reiterated a lot, because it's kind of the worst feature to disappear.  #katnip

Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

Re: s/o stalker feed

  • I often scour the stalkerfeed for new AE and troll names.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I also take note of people who start SNs when, and it's funny that a lot of the ones I suspect will end up trolling Parenting do.  

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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  • I have issues, guise.  Feel sorry for my kid and husband.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Lololol!

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • @kapaajoy

    On the top right of the screen, just below the search fields.  (That's where it is on my laptop.  I have no idea where it is on mobile.)



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I'm embarrassed to ask but, what's the stalker feed.
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  • @kapaajoy

    On the top right of the screen, just below the search fields.  (That's where it is on my laptop.  I have no idea where it is on mobile.)

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • My wall was broken down thanks to the bacockgate.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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