High-Risk Pregnancy

Maternal tachycardia?

I am 36yo and 28weeks with di/di twins and am not considered high risk, but OB is sending me to cardiology. My heart rate has been running 130-160. Has this happened to anyone else?
Me:35,  DH: 39   
TTC since March 2011. All bloodword, SA & HSG are normal.  
8/12: Clomid & TI - BFN 
10/12: Colmid & TI - BFN 
3/13:  Clomid, Trigger & IUI - BFN 
4/13: Gonal F, Trigger & IUI: BFN  
6/13: IVF #1 (1AA blast & 1BB blast) = BFN 
8/13: FET #1= BFN
10/13: FET #2= BFP!!!

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Re: Maternal tachycardia?

  • Yes. I often get runs of fast rates, both in pregnancy and non pregnancy. Try bearing down like when you have a bowel movement or cough hard. That will often snap your body out of it. Be very sure you are very very well hydrated. You may even want to try an electrolyte type water of a mix of water and G2. Dehydration can cause tachycardia. Also, if you ARE drinking a lot of water, you could be washing your system out of the needed electrolytes, which is why I suggests the electrolyte infused water or water/G2.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you. Doc just checked my hematocrit and it's 27 (very low). I suspect my racing heart is secondary to the low iron.
    Me:35,  DH: 39   
    TTC since March 2011. All bloodword, SA & HSG are normal.  
    8/12: Clomid & TI - BFN 
    10/12: Colmid & TI - BFN 
    3/13:  Clomid, Trigger & IUI - BFN 
    4/13: Gonal F, Trigger & IUI: BFN  
    6/13: IVF #1 (1AA blast & 1BB blast) = BFN 
    8/13: FET #1= BFN
    10/13: FET #2= BFP!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker  image
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  • I've had mitro valve and supraventricular tachycardia since 3 yrs of age.  I had an SVT (racing heart) episode at 20wks and the my OB, MFM and cardiologist all said the baby and I are fine as long as we are getting enough oxygen aka no passing out.  Also, if the episode last more than 20 min, it is usually best to seek medical attention.  Episodes like this do not always pose a threat, but they are very taxing on the system.

    I second bearing down and you can also try splashing your face with ice water or put your head below your heart to change the flow.  Sometimes one of these or a combination will trigger the heart back into a regular rhythm.

    My other side note- which could be me but caffeine, stress, heat, exercise, stairs have tendencies to trigger my SVT.  Do not know if that is the same for others, but it is def that way for me.
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