I have had cramps on and off, so I figured that was normal. Since last night I've been having cramps non-stop regardless of how much water I drink, if I change position or what I do. By the way I am 36 weeks. It feels like a period cramp, but increasing. I called my midwife and she wanted me to come in, but they are so booked that they didn't want me to seat in the waiting room. She said she thinks I may be in labor, but to call the midwife on call and she may have me go to the hospital.
I tried calling the midwife on call, but no answer. Now my question is, my cramps aren't bad enough where I can't walk or talk. They just feel like an extremely bad period. The baby is still moving. Would it hurt to wait a few more hours to see if they go away? And if I am in labor and only 1cm dilated wouldn't the hospital just send me home? I guess, I am trying to say if in your experience is wise to wait a few hours while I relax at home. I wanted to wait until I can't walk or talk through it.
My appointment with the midwife is scheduled for Friday. I honestly don't want to go to the hospital if I am only 1cm dilated or if it's a false alarm. I've heard of many women who are in labor for weeks.
Please don't say I am stupid or silly for not following my Doctor's instructions, but I just don't want to have to be sent home or induced if I am not that far.

Re: Labor
If you are only 36 weeks, and you go in and they find you are in early labor, it could be that they will try to stop labor (I don't know). That may be why your midwife told you to go to the hospital. If you get ahold of the midwife on call, I would ask if they would try to stop labor at this point or if they would just have you proceed.