
Holy Pricey Synagis - love/hate relationship

We just got our first notification of payments today before we left to get this month's shots - It was over $2500 just for December's shot!  Per child!  Wow -i didnt realize how pricey this was, and it is weight/dose dependent. . .

Oh, and when DD got the shot, she had that silent cry/scream - just breaks my heart to see (you know what i mean, when it hurts so bad her scream/cry makes no sound).  ugh, i definitely have a love/hate relationship with these shots

 On the bright side, other DD, at just shy of 6 months adjusted, started an odd cry when we put her on the doctor's table . . .and then when she saw the nurse she started screaming (before the shot)-  She knew she was getting a shot! That was sad to watch but so cool to see her memory working

Re: Holy Pricey Synagis - love/hate relationship

  • My daughter just had her 3rd synagis shot today and she also remembered!!  From the second she got into the room, she started crying!  And when I had to lay her on the table she was wiggling to get away.  :-(  Broke my heart, but I'm glad she's getting the shot at the same time. 
  • Wow!  I had been told it would be about $1500 per kid, so that's a terrifying number for you to have to pay each month!  We have our 2rd shot on Tuesday and I'm curious how the boys will do.  Last time was pretty good all things considering.  But it is absolutely ridiculous that they can charge so much.  And I think it's incredibly stupid how they determine who gets it and who doesn't.  There really needs to be a health insurance revolution in this country.
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  • My son was born at 33 weeks and spent about a month in the NICU, largely because of issues with his lungs.  He received synagis for about six months (October through March) and at first our insurance company denied the request to cover the shots, but we were able to get documentation to qualify for "medical necessity".  Once they were covered, we did not have to pay per weight/dose either...even though as he got bigger he required to shots per visit instead of just one.  It was just a $50 co-pay per month in addition to the regular peditrician visit co-pay of $20.  There are certain ways a baby can qualify to have the shots covered...I had to do some research on the matter, but you should look into it if you are paying $2500 per shot.  That is just insane!
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