Baby Names


BMoreBride6BMoreBride6 member
edited March 2014 in Baby Names
How do you feel about Eliza Beth (Eliza-Beth?) for a first name?  I love the name Eliza and Beth is the middle name of my mom, little sister, and favorite older cousin (more like a sister to me), and well as my cousin's baby girl.  We already have a middle name picked out and I really don't like Elizabeth.  I like unique names.  My name has a unique spelling, and yes I deal with misspelling/mispronunciation but I love that my name is unique without being totally out there.  My name has meaning. 

Edited to add: H and I also really love the meaning of Eliza. 

Re: Eliza...

  • It's like naming your kid Molly Peggy.  Or Bobby Rob.  Or Kate Kathy. 

    Eliza and Beth are lovely as two seperate names on two different people.  Pick one or the other.


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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  • That's nice you like have a uneek name and don't mind correcting everyone that gets it wrong, but why put that on your kid?  You don't know if she's going to be as ok with it as you are.  Just go with Eliza or Beth if you really don't like Elizabeth, but Eliza-Beth is just mean to do to someone.
  • I like Elizabeth. And I really like Eliza. Beth is okay... Not my first choice as a nn for Elizabeth but fine.

    But... pairing Eliza with Beth either as a double first name or as a first and middle name combo... is just confusing and odd. It's so odd that I am not even sure if I am interpreting your post correctly.
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  • mudgy said:
    If you don't like Elizabeth, then I would just pick one or the other (Eliza or Beth) - not a big fan of both together. Also saves her the trouble of explaining to everyone she meets why her parents just didn't call her Elizabeth instead of Eliza-Beth.

    Or maybe use two middle names if you really want both...that way she can still have & use one first name, but you still get to use both names? 
    That's a good point, not sure why I didn't think of that as an option.  When I got married I legally kept both my middle and maiden names and middle names.  Was too attached to both to give it up...perhaps I just like to make things confusing
  • I say let Eliza go and just name her Beth. DD's MN is Beth - I love it.
  • Maybe Eliza Bethany as a FN/MN?  I also love Eliza and Beth but have negative associations with Elizabeth.  Eliza Beth as a two part first name does NOT work.  (I personally love Lily Beth - a nickname of Elizabeth - but DH has a cousin Beth.  Jewish cousin, too, so really off limits.  We might do Bethany if we happen to have 2 girls, but those are LONG odds.)
    DS born 12/2012
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  • Sorry, Eliza Beth is pretty bad.  Do Eliza. With different middle name. Or Elizabeth.
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • I prefer Eliza, on its own, Eliza Beth will get really confusing as your DD starts school, I think.

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