Secondary IF

Legs up!!

Transfer all done, now just laying with my legs up!! 2 of our 3 embryos survived the thaw. I need to have them write down the quality as I couldn't hear when she told me what they were.

[-O< [-O<

TTC for 1.5 years with a crappy RE. 12 cycles with clomid (11 too many)
New RE, 3 failed IUI's moving to IVF with ICSI
IVF#1 BFP EDD 1/10/13
Beta#1 51  Beta #2 148
A/S 8/20/13 Team Pink
Induced week 39 due to severe GD
Baby girl born 1/4/13

       TTC #2 2 failed IUI's moving on to FET 3/2014
ET 3/25 
Beta #1 127
Beta #2 845
U/s 4/22 It's TWINS!!
Team Purple!!

        Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker          


Re: Legs up!!

  • FX!!! Keep those legs up!!!! So excited for you!!!
    January 2007- Stop BCP! Let's DO this!
    June 2010- MFI. BS. IVF! Ectopic. BS. image

    November 2010- FAILED FET! BS!
    January 2011- BFP FET! TWINS!
    February 2011- lost twin. BS. image

    SEPTEMBER 2011- DD Born! Most awesome girl in the world!

    November 2013- FAILED FET! BS! (screw you November FETs)
    April Fresh Cycle, FAILED. Frozen embryos frozen for future FETs.

    We can't wait to meet you!
    imageimage Potato Love!

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • WooHoo!! Super excited for you! Rest up! FX and sending sticky vibes!


  • AprilDrew04AprilDrew04 member
    edited March 2014
    Stick, sweet embies, stick! Sending you many sticky thoughts.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

    DD conceived after 3 years of ttc.
    MFI - DH had varicocele repair and took Clomid to get DD b. 02/2010

    TTC #2 since 6/2010
    10/2012 DH diagnosed with Epilepsy
    A few failed IUIs summer 2012 and 2013. 
    DH taking clomid and waiting to see if he needs another vericocele repair. 
    Hoping for a 2015 baby or babies. 
    Wishing, hoping, waiting.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Sending you everything I have in the way of good vibes, sticky baby dust, etc.

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


  • Oh babies, come on! Good luck!
    Happily Mrs. C 
    image  image

    image Image and video hosting by TinyPicimage image
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    start ttc #1 in Jan 2009
    dx PCOS in May 2010, begin metformin
    Two failed clomid cycles (made lining too thin)
    Started acupuncture while saving for IVF in Sept 2011
    Add herbal infusions to the mix in Dec 2011
    Hoping holistic approach works!!!

    BFP on April 2012 at 11dpo
    Meepy Man born on Jan 2013 - Hip Hip Hurray!

    Ready to start ttc #2 April 2013, but plan to be an extended BF'er
    Back on metformin Aug 2013
    Restart herbal infusions Sept 2013 - currently drinking nettle, oatstraw, and red raspberry leaf
    DS weaned in April 2014
    Taking a break from herbs and just riding the healthy train.  
    Planning medicated cycle end of summer.  FX I get KU before then!!!
  • Sticky hopes!    Good luck!
    Trying for #2 with IVF after damage done in a D&C left me with one functioning (but too scarred) ovary and tube to get pregnant safely without assistance. It's a really, really long story, but that is the gist of it.  We have one daughter (whose c-section birth started this roller coaster) born in 2012 after a miscarriage in 2011. 
    Failed 1st attempt at IVF (Fresh ET day 3, 1 frozen embryo saved) in December 2013.  
    Failed 2nd attempt at IVF (Fresh ET day 5, 2 frozen embryos saved) in February 2014.
  • [-O< [-O< [-O< keeping you in my thoughts!!!

    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 6 years
    Conceived DS after 4 years of MFI

    TTC # 2 (not trying,not preventing ever)
    May 2013 - August 2013 Timed Intercourse = BFN
    September 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs=BFN
    October 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs, and "warming foods" = BFP
    Beta #1 19, Beta #2 18 Progesterone 4.6 Miscarried 11/9/13
    November 2013 - Benched, waiting for first post-loss AF.
    No longer benched per New RE/OB!
    Jan. 15 2014 - BFP. HCG 3900 - Ectopic :( 
    Jan. 16 2014 Left tube removed and D&C
    March 2, 2014 First AF

  • chrissynena - just because I am curious what is your direction for right after transfer? Are you on bedrest? How long? or are you up and at'em tomorrow like normal? 


  • woowhoo!!! stick embies stick!!
    Me: 36, DH: 36
    DH's SA = normal
    1 tube only wonder
    AFC 3-5, AMH 0.30

    BFP #1 3/29/11.  EDD 12/4/11... Missed m/c 5/9/11. Cytotec fail. D&C 5/17/11.
    BFP #2   7/5/11.  EDD 3/14/12... Our rainbow Kellen born 3/14/12 via c/s.
    BFP #3 5/30/13.  EDD 2/8/14...  6wk u/s HB 126. 8wk u/s lost HB. D&C 7/12/13.
    BFP #4 2/18/14.  EDD 10/30/14... Ruptured ectopic with L tube removed & D&C 3/7/14.
    BFP #5 7/27/14.  EDD 4/9/15...  m/c @ 5w4d.

    IVF #1    Oct 2014 - antagonist protocol: 9R, 7M, 5F. 3dt of 3 Grade 2 embies. BFN. 
    IVF #2    Jan 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.  Converted to IUI #1. BFFN
    IVF #2.1 March 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.

    BFP #6  (SUPRISE!) 3/19/15.  EDD 11/30/15...  CP at 4w2d.
    IUI #2:    Clomid + Follistim = 3 follies. BFN.
    IVF #2.2 May 2015 - horrible response to micro lupron flare protocol: 3R, 3M, 3F. 3dt of 2 Grade 3 embies. BFFN. 

    BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).

    the universe can fuck off.

     "You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    all AL welcome. TTC #2 for 43 44 months.
    follow my infertility journey here at

  • good luck!!!
    .Became a mama to my sweet little boy after 3 years of waiting and praying in October '12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Miscarried twins from our first IUI cycle. D&C on August 14th, 2014
    Second IUI cycle: BFP
    Beta #1 (13dpiui): 74 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 505 Beta #3 (18dpiui): 1205
    First Ultrasound- 6w2d 110BPM! Our baby has a heartbeat!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • chrissynena - just because I am curious what is your direction for right after transfer? Are you on bedrest? How long? or are you up and at'em tomorrow like normal? 
    My doc wants strict bed rest, laying flat with legs elevated, for the first 4 hours. Then I can prop myself up, but still on bed rest. Second day, I have to be on bed rest also, but I can shower and sit up to eat. Day 3 until beta just light duty and resting. Luckily my mom took a week off to come down and help with DD. I took 2 weeks off work as my job is 90% physical and I am completely OOP, so I'm not paying all that money to mess anything up.

    TTC for 1.5 years with a crappy RE. 12 cycles with clomid (11 too many)
    New RE, 3 failed IUI's moving to IVF with ICSI
    IVF#1 BFP EDD 1/10/13
    Beta#1 51  Beta #2 148
    A/S 8/20/13 Team Pink
    Induced week 39 due to severe GD
    Baby girl born 1/4/13

           TTC #2 2 failed IUI's moving on to FET 3/2014
    ET 3/25 
    Beta #1 127
    Beta #2 845
    U/s 4/22 It's TWINS!!
    Team Purple!!

            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker          

  • chrissynena - Thanks I was just curious. I was told 3 days bed rest. Day of, and then 2 days after.  It is modified, meaning I can shower, but I need to be chillin the whole time.  Just curious.  Sounds like we both get the same.  When is beta? (Did I miss that date? ) 


  • April 4. I am totally a poas-aholic, when should I start that? My embryos were frozen on day 2 if that helps.

    TTC for 1.5 years with a crappy RE. 12 cycles with clomid (11 too many)
    New RE, 3 failed IUI's moving to IVF with ICSI
    IVF#1 BFP EDD 1/10/13
    Beta#1 51  Beta #2 148
    A/S 8/20/13 Team Pink
    Induced week 39 due to severe GD
    Baby girl born 1/4/13

           TTC #2 2 failed IUI's moving on to FET 3/2014
    ET 3/25 
    Beta #1 127
    Beta #2 845
    U/s 4/22 It's TWINS!!
    Team Purple!!

            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker          

  • FX for you!  Come on's so comfy!
    TTC #3 since 8/2012 image
    DX Endometriosis 2/2002 (lost left tube due to a cyst), PCOS
     BFP - 10/18/2012, EDD - 6/26/2013, Baby Girl lost at 22 weeks (T21), D&E 2/15/2013
    BFP - 4/23/2014, EDD - 1/2/2015 Twin Boys lost at 12 weeks, M/C 6/25/2014

    My chart here  All ALers welcome!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    June 3Missing Our January Snowflake
  • April 4. I am totally a poas-aholic, when should I start that? My embryos were frozen on day 2 if that helps.
    Did you have a trigger? 


  • Nope. Just lupron and PIO.

    TTC for 1.5 years with a crappy RE. 12 cycles with clomid (11 too many)
    New RE, 3 failed IUI's moving to IVF with ICSI
    IVF#1 BFP EDD 1/10/13
    Beta#1 51  Beta #2 148
    A/S 8/20/13 Team Pink
    Induced week 39 due to severe GD
    Baby girl born 1/4/13

           TTC #2 2 failed IUI's moving on to FET 3/2014
    ET 3/25 
    Beta #1 127
    Beta #2 845
    U/s 4/22 It's TWINS!!
    Team Purple!!

            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker          

  • Good luck!!

    Spontaneous pregnancy #1
    DD1 July 31, 2011

    Trying for #2 since Oct 11
    732973 Clomid Cycles
    2 IUIs 
    3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
    Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
    Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
    Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
    Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Good luck!
    IVF/ICSI #1 - BFP, DS born Jan 2013
    IVF/ICSI #2 - BFP, DD born Feb 2015
    IVF FET - BFP, due April 2017

  • Good luck to you. Stick embies!

    BFP #1 12.24.07 - DD born @ 39w1d on 08.26.08
    BFP #2 08.04.11 - DD born still @ 37w3d on 03.25.12

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    TTC #3 since May 2012

    BFP #3 12.29.12 - CP @ 4w2d on 01.02.13
    BFP #4 10.17.13 - CP @ 4w2d on 10.23.13

    BFP #5 04.06.14 - MMC 05.07.14

    No longer trying to conceive.

    image     image

  • fingers crossed for you dear! Good Luck!!!!


    BabyFruit Ticker 

  • So interesting that they have called for so much bed rest for you.  I've asked that question a bunch of times, and they always tell me no sex or tampons, and no alcohol, etc - but otherwise go back to normal life.  It fascinates me the vastly different protocols doctors use.  


    Trying for #2 with IVF after damage done in a D&C left me with one functioning (but too scarred) ovary and tube to get pregnant safely without assistance. It's a really, really long story, but that is the gist of it.  We have one daughter (whose c-section birth started this roller coaster) born in 2012 after a miscarriage in 2011. 
    Failed 1st attempt at IVF (Fresh ET day 3, 1 frozen embryo saved) in December 2013.  
    Failed 2nd attempt at IVF (Fresh ET day 5, 2 frozen embryos saved) in February 2014.
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