South Jersey Babies

Natural Childbirth and Virtua Voorhees

Hi, I've seen many flavors of this topic and I am looking for the most recent success stories out there. I know Virtua Voorhees has a very high c-section rate and a lot of interventions.
Before I even conceived, I tried finding a practice with a midwife hoping that they would be gung ho for a natural birth. I went to a practice with 2 doctors and 1 midwife and, during my preconception appointment, she already started down the path of telling me that I can try whatever I want, but should be open to interventions. She said I would likely have a sunny side up baby and delivering naturally would be near impossible. I was hoping for a more supportive response to a woman who wants to do everything in her power to have a natural no intervention hospital birth. My mom had 7 healthy unmedicated natural births and I feel like I'm already being set up to fail.

Has anyone had a natural birth at Virtua Voorhees?
What practice did you use?
What did you have to do beforehand to get your practice on board with your plan?

Thanks all!
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Re: Natural Childbirth and Virtua Voorhees

  • sanssans member
    I'm going to guess we might be at the same practice with the 2 doctors and 1 it Advocare Premier? I'm with them and haven't delivered yet but am in my third tri and have found that I like the midwife based on my experiences with her. The doctors encouraged me to work with a doula and halfway through my pregnancy the midwife had a conversation with me about how I envisioned my birth and strategies we could use to make sure I got my natural birth. Of course, if it's not medically safe they're not going to put you at risk just to make you happy - in the end the most important thing is a healthy mom and healthy baby. I hope this helps!

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Finally expecting our miracle in June 2014 after 3 m/c and infertility
  • Yes, we are at the same practice. I also see Bobbi and she's great. I'm 5'1" and she doubts my ability to deliver naturally especially because my husband is 6'2". She hasn't come out and said it, but I really thought as a midwife she would be much more along the lines of giving me suggestions as to what I can do to try my best to have the birth plan I desire. Who did you get as a doula? I'm thinking that with a hospital birth, my best chance is with a doula.
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  • sanssans member
    I talked to a few doulas and ended up not going that route because it's so unclear whether I'm going to end up with a c-section or not (thanks placenta!), but if you're absolutely sure you want a natural birth a doula is your best bet. How far along are you? I have to admit she's made suggestions to me that were kind of WTH to me in the moment but later I realized made much more sense than anything the other OBs tried. Obviously her guesses are only guesses! And when the time comes if there's no clear reason not to I'm sure she will support you.

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Finally expecting our miracle in June 2014 after 3 m/c and infertility
  • I didnt use her but many of my friends have, Karen Shields is a wonderful midwife who delivers at Elmer hospital. She is very natural birth centered and supportive of your decisions. The hospital is also awarded for empowering woman who choose the natural birthing process. hope this helps!
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    Lilypie - (52Ft)

  • Bobbi delivered my nephew.  I was there for my sister's entire labor.  After she got to 3cm she stopped progressing, and when Bobbi came on to check her - she tried to mental prepare my sister for the possibility of a c-section, but also told her at the same time she would do everything she could to help avoid that.  So, Bobbi got my sister hooked up to in internal monitor that measured the strength of the contractions. Once she saw that the contractions were strong enough but that my sister wasn't dilating - she figured out it was because of some scar tissue on my sister's cervix from a previous procedure.  Bobbi - knowing my sister did not want a c-section - then massaged the scar tissue a few times for a few minutes.  Within an hour my sister went from 3 cm to 6 cm and my nephew was born about 4 hours after the internal monitor check and my sister avoided the c-section.  So I think Bobbi just tries to put the possibility on your radar, but I don't think she is trying to steer you away from what you want.  Hope that helps!
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    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I had a natural childbirth at Virtua Voorhees. The L&D nurse was amazing. I also took Bradley classes and had a doula with me. I used Garden State but I would not recommend them. I had to fight too hard to be able to allow my pregnancy to continue. They started wanting to induce as soon as I hit 39 weeks. This practice also states that they don't accept birth plans but I came with one anyway and it was followed perfectly. They even let me catch my baby although the doctor had some snarky comment about why hire doctors if you want to do it yourself.
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