January 2014 Moms

What is your profession?

Thought about titling this post "what do ya do" but thought the Office Space reference might fall flat. I'm sure there was a GTKY about this at one time but there are quite a few newer people now. So... What is your line of work? How long have you been doing it? Do you like it? Feel free to elaborate.

Re: What is your profession?

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    I teach first grade. I have taught the same grade at the same school for 12 years.  I love the kids and my coworkers. I used to love teaching. Now with all the new regulations, testing, standards, etc. I don't love it so much. I don't get to teach the way I like to. There are people who have never taught telling me what to do. The poor kids are expected now to do things that are above their developmental level. It makes me sad. I'm hoping I can outlast all this crap.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I'm a sales manager/event planner for a luxury wedding venue.

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    km_mdkm_md member
    I'm currently a student (just about finished my BA) and working in retail. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with my degree when I'm finished. A BA doesn't get you much and the job market here is the worst in the country, so we will see. I've never had a job that is my "dream job" so this is something that I struggle with regularly. 

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    I'm complicated. My job consists of 3 part time positions put together... 45% grades 5-8 vice-principal, 30% grades 7/8 teacher, and 25% grades 5-12 athletics director. Sounds like a weird mix, but I love it! :)

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    TTC #1 since July 2010
    July 2011: Referred to RE, started Letrozole
    August 2011: BFP #1! M/C @ 5wks
    September 2011 - September 2012: test, after test, after test... S/A, HCG, B/W... Diagnosis: unexplained infertility. Letrozole, Metformin... nothing.
    September 2012: Diagnosed gluten intolerance; now living strict GF diet.
    November 2012: BFP #2! MM/C @ 6wks (discovered at 8wks). 2 rounds of Misoprostal - nothing. D&C December 2012.
    May 2013: BFP #3! Hoping this one sticks! 4x prometrium/day EDD: 01/25/14
    06/03/13: 1st u/s We have a heartbeat! Team green!
    01/24/14: Team green turned team pink. Baby girl was born!
    08/05/14: Surprise BFP #4! (Unmedicated, no pp period, EDD unknown)
    08/15/14: 1 u/s We have a heartbeat! Measured 6wks 2 days. EDD 04/08/15. Team green!
    04/08/15: Team green turned team pink. Baby girl was born!
    03/29/16: BFP #5! (Unmedicated, 1 cycle TTC) EDD: 11/09/16

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    I used to be a line cook until I got pregnant and quit so I can finish up my culinary degree. Right now, I'm a sahm, but I'm planning on going back to the culinary industry soon when DD is older.
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    Database Developer. (Suporting, managing & maintaining tables of data for a printing company.) It has been almost a year since I took this position as a promotion. I've been with this same company for almost 9 years though. I started as a temp as a customer service phone rep & have worked my way up over the years through training provided by my employer. It really is a great company. I really like what I do, & cannot wait to do more. My maternity leave got in the way of my training program, but now that I am back I hope to finish up fairly soon!

    I am actually 3 semesters short of a BA in Art History, that I never finished. So it is strange to find myself in the IT world. Never imagined myself here, but am looking forward to have the program certification under my belt! :)


    My 2 December boys



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    SAHM and part time nurse practitioner. I've been at minute clinic in CVS for a year now and like it! I only work 4 Saturdays every 6 weeks while DH takes care of the kiddos.
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    Short version - I basically work with MS Excel and trend how our product breaks in the field. Long version - Reliability engineer with a military contractor. My degrees are in materials science and engineering and while its not directly related, the engineering is applicable. I've been in this or a similar position since 2002, however I tok a 2.5 year break after my oldest was born and worked in child care. I loved being with my daughter but its nice to be back in the field I went to school for (and away from the drama that comes with a field of all women!).


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    Media Coordinator. I am the librarian and tech person all in one. In between teaching k-5 classes in the library, I order, fix and train teachers on the new technology. I am also website director and testing coordinator. I left the classroom after 9 years of teaching 3rd grade and kindergarten. I love my new position, don't think I'll be going back to the classroom!
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    I'm a SAHM now. When I was working I was a Ticket Operations Assistant. I ran the ticket office for a spring training facility. For the most part I loved it. I worked with people from MLB and have met some retired players. I still keep in touch with most of my staff and the regional manager for one of the teams. I do miss it at times, but my direct supervisor was a bitch and during spring training I would work 10 - 13 hour shifts for a month and never saw DH or DD.
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    My degree is a Materials Engineer (Metallurgist) & Society (Minor in Cultural Anthropology).  
    I have worked at an industrial metal recycling facility that is a feeder yard for one of the largest steel makers in the world (we are owned by the steel maker).  I am a supervisor and coordinator for everybody at my location.  I've worked there for about 2 years and love it.  My boss is awesome and the majority of the people I work with are awesome too.  
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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    I am a teacher. I have my B.Ed. In elementary with a minor in special education. I work at a spei al education school in elementary grades 1 to 3 at the moment but I have dabbled in grades 1 to 10. I love it. It is tough but rewarding.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Before I got pregnant I worked at a small healthcare office as an admin, and at Starbucks. Sadly, Starbucks had better healthcare and benefits so I cut back and only worked there while pregnant.. Now I go to school full time (attempting to finish as an RN) and I'm a SAHM. :)


    Baby L Born 1.21.14 Induction due to ICP

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    RN, I float to all the floors but ER and L&D at a local hospital. I really like it but I hate working 12 hour shifts. I do like the 4 days off a week though. I'm looking to get another job soon, something more M-F with no holidys or weekends. But we will see!
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    I work in communications for an energy company. I used to be more on the PR/external side, now I'm on the employee side. I love it. I did think that being on the inside would make my schedule more reliable, but so far it hasn't. Communication issues don't always happen during working hours, unfortunately. Better a call from a coworker than the media though!
    Lilypie - (bDmZ)Lilypie - (SUYh)
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    I'm an environmental scientist for a private consulting firm. I perform field studies and write impact statements, reports, and permit applications for land development and utility projects. Most of my work is focused on wetlands. I've been doing this kind of work for eight years, and have been with my current company for four years.

    I like aspects of my job. I am at the point that I would like to switch fields, I just have no idea what other work I would enjoy. And of course I can't afford a pay cut.

    TTC Since 8/2011
    BFP #1 5/13/12 * EDD 1/24/13 * MC at 7 wks 4 days on 6/11/12
    BFP #2 5/13/13 * Current EDD 1/23/14

    Baby N born 2/8/14


    Lilypie - (HD7B)



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    I work as a Sr. Academic Advisor and adjunct professor at a large university in Philly. I've been there for 10 years and love what I do.  I am certified to teach elementary ed (and have my MSEd) and hope to one day make the switch to the little guys.  But for now I'll stick with the big guys. Ha!

    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

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    cja06cja06 member
    I'm a fundraiser for a large national non-profit. I love what I do and have been doing it for close to 15 years. I've been with my current employer for 6 years which has earned me a lot of flexibility, which is awesome. That's why I am able to work from home.  


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    Probation and Parole Officer turned SAHM. I worked for 7 1/2 years before resigning. I miss most of my coworkers and the independence I had, but realized I was needed more at home. Makes more financial sense to be home with two kids than if they were to be in daycare for $2000 a month. Wouldn't have had much take home money. I do miss working outside of the home most days. (Esp with a crazy lunatic of a toddler at home!!) 8-}

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
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    I'm in middle management for a large insurance company. I'm in claims at the moment but have worked in training and QA and I've done field work. I'm currently in Auto claims which is what I prefer. I love the business itself and I've been there 11 years. I get frustrated with the red tape that goes with big business but that's going to happen anytime you work for the man. I have a great team and I have missed them while on leave. Claims can be pretty brutal emotionally and what I do is not for the faint hearted lol.
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    I'm a legal assistant (not a paralegal and yes there's a difference :P) at an IP firm. (Patents, trademarks, copyrights, infringement, etc.)

    My days are busy and they go quickly. My office is super casual so I never buy "work" clothes, I just wear my regular clothes. The pay is very good for the field and how much experience I had walking in (hint NONE). I've been an admin in some capacity for about 4 years now and I do enjoy it. It's a means to an end, as I'd like to finish my degree in HR Management one of these days...

    I'm currently job hunting because my commute is hellish and I work in such a small office that everyone is all up in your business and I am over it. I would also like to work for a larger company where it's not the end of the world if I have to stay home because my kid is sick. That and my boss forgot to read up on the FLSA Act that says nursing mothers have a RIGHT to pump for up to a year and made a snide comment about it last week. I'm not dealing with that shit. I've only been back to work for 3 weeks and he knew before I left that I planned to pump for a year.

    Married: 9.22.12 - DD: 1.7.14 - EDD 2: 10.30.17 - J14 OG
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    I'm a physical therapist for high level sport athletes. Been practicing for 3 and a half years. Absolutely love interacting with patients and watching them get stronger, a part of me misses the social interaction (still on maternity leave).
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    SAHM and babysitter
    Lilypie - (2M9u)
    <a href="http://tickers.cafemom.com"><img src="http://tickers.cafemom.com/t/eNortjKzUjIyNDQwN1OyBlwwFV4Czg,,81.png" alt="CafeMom Tickers" border="0" /></a>
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    I'm a registered massage therapist. I did my kinesiology degree and didn't know what exactly I wanted to do after so ended up studying massage therapy with a sports therapy specialization. I enjoy it because everyone client is different and it keeps it interesting and challenging but I'm not sure I will go back to it after maternity leave because it is so physically demanding and I know I can't do it forever.
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    I was an early head start home visitor, basically in home parenting education. I absolutely loved it! Weekly home visits for families prenatal-3 years old, we talked nutrition, health, development, did fun activities. The bonding and growth was so rewarding.
      I have a BS in social work and in Bible, for now though I'll be staying home. Being in people's homes 40 hours a week is a lot of exposure to germs and illnesses, it's not worth the risk to LO at this point. I'm really struggling with the loss of contact with the outside world though. DH is an introvert and likes his own time to decompress after work, and works late, ssooo nooott cooolll.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    bfp#1-10/29/12,EDD: 7/3/13. nothing found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 12/10/12. "Bean"

    bfp#2-5/10/13! EDD: 1/18/14. "Peanut" Arrived 1/13/14. Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

    bfp#3- 9/26/14. EDD: 5/7/15. no heartbeat found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 10/23/14. "Little Bug"

    **Psalm 139:16**

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    Physical therapist specializing in orthopedics. Also do orthotics.
    @jms08746‌ I'm jealous. My passion is sports rehab but unfortunately the THA and TKAs pay the bills. We luckily do get quite a few gymnasts since our clinic director has a close relationship with the team USA doc.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm an RN and work in home and community care. Basically we see people at home or in our clinic who need regular medical attention but don't need to be in the hospital (a lot of wound care, palliative care for people dying at home, post-op recovery, catheter changes, etc.). I work 8-4:30 Monday-Friday and one weekend shift every 6 weeks. It works great for me because I hate 12 hour shifts and graveyards. H works Mon-Fri too so it's nice having evenings and most weekends together.

    I love my job, love my coworkers, love (most of) my patients. I'm off for my year long mat leave but will definitely be going back. I love being home with DD but really miss my work - it's challenging rewarding, and often a lot of fun!
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    I'm a 4th grade teacher (I have also taught 5th grade) and agree with @kiki78 - the job is not as enjoyable as it was when I first started 10 years ago. It causes me too much stress. The job is never done. I hope with the baby, I won't spend as many hours working as I have in the past. I always feel like I can do more.  I love teaching and working with the students but the paperwork, standardized testing, endless meetings, unrealistic expectations, and crazy parents makes the job way more difficult. I don't enjoy it. I would love to be a SAHM or do something in finance - however, I do love my summers, winter and spring breaks, and night and weekends off (minus the endless hours of grading I do during my free time). I think the hours I am contracted to work is pretty good with having children; now I just need to work only those hours.

    I'm 33 DH is 36 
    Married 6/27/2009 Together since 10/22/2005
    TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) 
    Unexplained Infertility
    8/2011, 1/2012, 3/2012 IUI #1-3 BFN 
    6/2012 IVF#1 BFN, 8/2012 IVF#2 FET BFN, 11/2012 IVF#3 BFP
    12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat  EDD 8/1/13 
    12/26/2012 U/S #2 8w6d - No more heartbeat, MMC; D&C; Chromosome testing normal; male :( RPL testing normal 
    4/3/2013 DX Asherman's Syndrome caused by D&C, hysteroscopy done
    June 2013 IVF #4 planned 
    5/12/2013 SURPRISE BFP! Natural cycle 
    7/11/2013 Panorama results Normal!!! Team Pink, partial previa moved up in 2nd tri9/5/13 (19w) AS scan shows short cervix, 2.5 cm 9/19 (21w)  Cervix is worse 1.87cm, bed rest 10/26 & 10/27 steroid shots 12/19 (35w) DX: SGA Baby went from 57% percentile to 18th percentile in 6 weeks. Weekly BPP and NST until she is here. 1/17/18 Growth scan puts Abby below 10th percent in size, low amniotic fluid, and less movement. Time to induce!
    1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!

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    SJSLASJSLA member
    edited March 2014
    I am a fine artist/painter, illustrator, and sahm
    "Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow." --Kurt Vonnegut
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    I am an elementary school teacher. This is my 10th year, and I'm currently teaching transitional kindergarten.

    During the summers, I am an educational consultant for a company that works with school on their ELD programs.
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    I'm a SAHM but I have my cosmetology license. I don't want to work in cosmetology if I don't have to because I just don't like it anymore. I want to go back to college but I don't know what I want to do, and I'm not going to rush into something.
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    Married 8/9/13
    Ashton James Rogers 10/29/13

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    Right now, I work in health care technology. I assist in coordinating the installations of our systems (think MRIs, Xrays, etc). I've only been here for about a year, but I absolutely love it.

    I am in school getting a degree in paralegal studies.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


     BFP #1 8/1/11, MMC 10/5/11, D&C 11/1/11
     BFP #2 5/28/13, EDD 1/17/14. Elliott - 12/31/13
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    I am currently:

    1) An accounting bookkeeper for a small mechanic shop, handling all their "numbers". Including how to expand their business in the next 3 years.  It's a part time job, but it pays the bills. 
    2) I'm getting ready to take on a job as an Office Manager for a small steel manufacturing plant.  It's a small job, but full time and it's literally 4 times the pay of my other job. Luckily I'll be keeping both jobs!
    3) I own a small crochet business that I've been running for a few years off and on. 
    4) I just started up my charity organization in Ellie's memory.  Craft for a Cause: Ellie's Mission.   www.facebook.com/groups/Craftforacause

    **TW loss mentioned **

    12 miscarriages in first marriage (2007-2011)
    Surprise BFP - 06/2013
    Daughter stillborn at 22 weeks - 09/09/2013
    Married my best friend - 09/03/2016
    Genetic testing came back with APS - 10/03/2016
    TTCAL - 10/21/2016
    BFP - 11/18/2016
    EDD of Rainbow baby - 07/30/2017
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    I've been a K-8 science teacher for 16 years. Last fall I completed my dissertation for my doctorate in education. I am currently working at a science museum running professional development programs for other educators. I love my job, though I do miss working at a school and my relationships with my students.
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    I've taught Kindergarten for 9 years but am now a SAHM. As PP have stated, teaching isn't what it used to be. I've been worn out and wanting to do something different for the last couple of years. I plan to SAH for a good long while, but I am also helping DH out with the family business.

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     Married: 4/2/13

    DS born 12/19/13

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    kiki1978 said:

    I teach first grade. I have taught the same grade at the same school for 12 years.  I love the kids and my coworkers. I used to love teaching. Now with all the new regulations, testing, standards, etc. I don't love it so much. I don't get to teach the way I like to. There are people who have never taught telling me what to do. The poor kids are expected now to do things that are above their developmental level. It makes me sad. I'm hoping I can outlast all this crap.

    Could've typed this myself!! Only this is my 5th year instead of 12th ;)

    Married July 14, 2012

    Hudson - January 7, 2014

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