I'm doing tiny prints. I used them for her baptism invitations and christmas cards. They didn't send me the Christmas cards as fast as they were supposed to so as a courtesy they sent me a $50 gift card to use. There is also a promotional code valid till the 25th of march. MARSW20 for 20 percent off your order.
I love their quality a lot. To narrow down choices I just chose the color theme of her party. She is having a pink lemonade party so I chose pink and yellow.
I am not doing picture invites. I just bought some cheap ones from Oriental trading in the theme we are doing. I love the picture ones but decided to use the money I saved towards decorating.
I ordered my design from etsy for $10 and I love it, and had it printed on a new site I found called inkgarden.com - $20 for 40 really nice cardstock invites with rounded corners and printed envelopes!
For her family and friends party, I am ordering from Shutterfly. For the kids party, hand written fill in the blank ones (we will be doing cake & ice cream at a local park).
Re: Invitations
my read shelf:
As a plus you'd be supporting a small business instead of a big online corporation!