2nd Trimester

Is it just me or...

Am I the only one eating everything in sight? I seriously can't turn anything down. Anyone else have this issue or am I just a fat kid..
Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
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Re: Is it just me or...

  • I want their deep dish pizza so bad

    Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • You're not alone. I've been eating weight in carbs :)
  • I went from wanting nothing, to wanting to eat ALL the food.  I think I have a problem...



  • I have days where I eat like a normal person & then days where I can't eat enough & spend all day thinking about what can I eat next lol I think those must be baby growing days!
  • You are not alone.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You are not alone.

    I am here with you. (Immediately started singing MJ in my head)


  • Once my nausea tailed off, I started having eat-it-all days where I just eat from waking up til bedtime then other days I just eat normally. It started somewhere around 20 weeks (25+5 now)
  • Haha little Caesars.. at about 38 weeks, I drove completely across town to get 3 orders of crazy bread. I was a bottomless pit near the end...
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  • I'm insanely hungry lately. You are definitely not alone. 

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    photo 1535695_10204084387365984_9025186931759532004_n_zps94c2fa04.jpg

  • Yep I'm always hungry lately! It's actually getting ridiculous lol.
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
  • I am working on some Chinese Food right now. 
    Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Im a chef and was snacking on a piece of delicious crispy bacon. One of the younger guys I worked with thought it would be funny to slap it out of my hand. I literally had to walk out of the kitchen. Part of me wanted me wanted to stab his hand with a chef knife. The other part of me wanted to cry. Lol. I was so pissed.
  • Ekg688 said:
    Im a chef and was snacking on a piece of delicious crispy bacon. One of the younger guys I worked with thought it would be funny to slap it out of my hand. I literally had to walk out of the kitchen. Part of me wanted me wanted to stab his hand with a chef knife. The other part of me wanted to cry. Lol. I was so pissed.
    That deserves a punch in the throat. You can't just waste bacon like that! What a dick!
    Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Sometimes i literally have to sit on my hands to stop me from snacking. There are those days when I'm just dying to have a sugary snack. Today I have nothing to snack on simply because I made it a point not to buy anything sweet, so miserable. I try to stick to a yogurt but sometimes you just need that huge slice of choccy cake. I'm so glad I'm not alone.

  • Just opened a pack of Poptarts intending on eating just one.

    Ate both.

    This has happened to me too often these days. No discipline where Poptarts are concerned!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have eaten anything that resembles food in the past month. I really need to get a handle on this.

    I keep telling myself it's just like a boy (we're having a boy) to get a girl all fat and happy. ;) 



  • I eat all of the time.  SO catches me raiding the fridge at 3 in the morning at least once a week.  
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  • Went into Safeway for strawberries the other day. Left with 6 things. None of which were strawberries. Ate it all that night at work.

    Some days I eat normal and other days it's like I'm literally starving the whole time. Even after I eat, 10 mins later I'll be hungry again.
  • UPDATE: I am eating peanut mms for dinner. because I was called into work. This was after I ate a banana, pear, and cheez-its. 
    Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Urgh I wish I didn't feel like this constantly stuffing my face nothing in particular just anything I can get my hands on!! Joys i suppose my
    Partners shocked at the amount I am able to stuff in haha
  • seells said:
    Went into Safeway for strawberries the other day. Left with 6 things. None of which were strawberries. Ate it all that night at work. Some days I eat normal and other days it's like I'm literally starving the whole time. Even after I eat, 10 mins later I'll be hungry again.
    Same here!!! Some days I feel like my stomach is a bottomless pit hahahaha
  • My appetite has definitely grown!!!   
  • I went for a doughnut after lunch today...and ended up getting three. And inhaled them.
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  • I was enjoying anything and everything I wanted until I failed my first glucose test :( Can't wait for the next one to see if I truly have GD or can go back to eating whatever I want.



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

  • I was enjoying anything and everything I wanted until I failed my first glucose test :( Can't wait for the next one to see if I truly have GD or can go back to eating whatever I want.

    I have mine in 3 weeks so I'm trying to eat better...failing at it, but trying.
    Baby Maloney due 8-3-14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • You and me both!! I was a huge foodie before being prego and am an even bigger one now.... Nom nom nom
  • My hubby says that I am thinking with my tummy these days.

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