
Interesting Pediatric appointment today

I took Levi to the pediatrician that we were referred to by our family doctor.  I thought we were going to be talking about removing a clump of cartilage that was caused by a horse biting him.  Turns out that is nothing like what we were talking about.  Levi has little tumors all through this hand called enchondroma.  He has 6 altogether.  He said it was possible that the two on his finger were disturbed by the horse bite causing them to grow, but the enchondroma was not because of the bites.  He now has to get a full body x ray to check to see if it is throughout his body, or confined to his hand in order to decide on a plan to treat them.

I did a little google research, as he requested.  And the ones on his finger will have to be removed, but good news is if the others do not grow, and don't pose a threat, they can just be monitored.  I have not yet read worst case scenario yet.  The word cancer keeps flashing around every page I see,  but the dr was not worried about that, so I am going to force myself not to worry either.  

The only thing that could go really horrible is they find ones growing inside the bone because they would need to remove that part of bone and replace it with a healthy piece, but so far, they have only found ones outside the bone.

More waiting for the x ray, and also he said his tonsils have to come asap, so waiting for an appointment with an ear nose throat specialist as well.  I am feeling optimistic, but DH is feeling scared and worried, so I hope that we get into these appointments soon.
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Re: Interesting Pediatric appointment today

  • He's 7.  He has been dealing with this finger since he was about 2, but we always thought it was from the bite, so didn't really look further into it until now.  It doesn't hurt him, but it is going to be a long road from here until they get everything done on him.
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • Fx for you. Hope it all turns out ok


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  • Fingers crossed! In sorry you're dealing with this.

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  • So sorry. Hope it's all confined to his hand and no bone involvement.
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  • I hope you get good news about this soon.

  • Wow...poor kiddo! Im sorry. FX that everything turns out to be minor and that ot can be easily treated.
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  • Thinking of you and hoping the upcoming spots go well! Glad you found what sounds to be a great doctor.

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  • @HilaritEnsued I have been putting off changing doctors because around here the waiting list can be so long.  But with prospect of Levi having some long term issues, I am putting myself on some waiting list right now.
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • Glad you were able to get some answers. Honestly I would be furious with the family doctor.
    +1 Did the family doctor know about this since he was 2? I'm really sorry you're going through this and hope you get good news.
    She thought it was a calcium build up from a break that didn't heal properly.  She thought the finger would grow around it.  Then when it started growing she said that he would have to wait until he was an adult.  I had to go in and tell her straight out that I wanted it removed sooner and that his hand was being compromised.  That was the first time she even suggested an x ray.  Now here we are.
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • Yes it is, and I feel guilty for sticking with her for as long as I did, but I was scared of going with no doctor instead.  My options aren't exactly open.  
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • I'm glad you found a good and thorough doc! FX your son will be fine.
  • Sorry to hear about this!  Glad you have a good doctor now, and it sounds like they are much more thorough.

    How is your son handling it?  He's old enough that he must understand there's a sudden surge in worry and doctors appointments...

  • Thanks guys.  I will let you know how it goes.  He's doing fine.  He's used to people checking out his finger and asking questions.  So far it hasn't gone beyond just doctors looking and touching, and I do not think he has thought beyond that.

     His tonsils on the other hand, terrify him.  Someone had been kind enough to explain to him how tonsils were removed.  It's going to be a long day when that has to happen, but he will be so much happier when he gets rid of them.  He has no idea what it is like to breath, and eat, and sleep properly.
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • Poor dude! Don't let Dr Google scare you. FX that everything comes back normal with the scans!

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