
Baby A's Head Very Low

shanaynerzshanaynerz member
edited March 2014 in Multiples
I have a question since I've been freaking out.

Had an u/s today and both babies look great, measuring right on track and everything, fluid levels look good, all of it. But, Baby A is very much head down, like right on top of my vagina. The pressure down there has progressively gotten worse over the last week or two. Like it used to be bothersome in bed, like rolling around, but now I move at all and it's uncomfortable. Anyways, they saw him today and he's so low I had to pretty much take my pants off so they could get a good look at him!

Anyways, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced Baby A being so low this early and everything being okay? They didn't seem too concerned and my cervix is still shut and looking good, but I'm just anxious that if I do too much he'll keep falling lower and lower! I'll talk to my OB next week about this, but wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this.

ETA: I'm 22 weeks, but lost twins @ 22w3d a few years ago, so I'm just extra anxious (for mobile users).
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Re: Baby A's Head Very Low

  • How far along are you? I am on mobile and cannot see tickers.

    At my 34w appt A and B were head down and facing my spine (so birthing position) and A was as low as he could be while still in my uterus. MfM said it could be any day, even though my cervix was still really long. My cervix softened at 30w and hasnt changed since. The pressure is unbelievably uncomfortable and any pressure on that area (pants, legs crossed, underwear) almost hurts. I am 35w today and have an appt tomorrow with my OB. Long story short I am not sure how long they have been head down like that but I assume it's been a while, since I have been feeling the vaginal pressure for a couple weeks, and i have had no early labor signs. If your doctor's aren't worried, I wouldn't be either! Gl!
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  • My Baby A has been lodged in my cervix since about 18 weeks or so.  So low that they have to try to move her head out of the way so they can measure my cervical length.  I get vaginal pressure a lot, but my cervix has stayed the same length and I haven't had any other issues.  I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, as long as you're not having any other symptoms.
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  • edited March 2014
    My baby A was so low from week 22 and on they always considered my a a "just about +1 station". If you don't know what * 1 is that's just about "your ready to push" stage in active laborinf women. My midwife about had a heart attack when she confirmed that by checking herself after the ultrasound. I almost always too had to pull my pants way down so they could see his head on U/S.

    For me, the pressure did cause dilation and PTL. Best advice... Stay off your feet best you can. Not only for saving you from PTL but because his head was so low he displaced my hips so now I'm in physical therapy. He never was able to move because he was engaged so it was reassuring knowing I would get my vaginal delivery however. They were 34 weekers but only because of IUGR and >30% cord flow to baby B.

    I literally could not sit straight up past 25 weeks because I was sitting on his head.

    Together 6 wonderful years.
    TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
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  • My situation was slightly different in that it was baby a's bum that firmly wedged down in my pelvis. I never really felt an immense amount of pressure, but by 32w I was 1.5cm dilated w his bum at +1 (or maybe it was +2) station.

    For me it meant he never flipped. I was never on bedrest, but my water did break at 34w and they were born that day.

  • My baby A was VERY low the whole time, and yes, the pressure/pain is hard to deal with. Both girls are happy and healthy! :) I just tried to stay off my feet when there was a lot of pain b/c of it.

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  • Thanks so much for your advice. We got a nanny this week since I've been unable to do really anything, especially with my 17 month old DD, so I've told her today that I really need to just take it extra easy and do as little as possible. DH figures even if I don't go on bed rest officially, I should still do as little as possible and just stay in bed if need be some days.
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  • To be honest I don't remember how early it was, but my Baby A had his head super low also. It started either at the 20 week u/s or at the first growth scan after that, they could never get an accurate measurement of his head! (And his head is still a little lopsided from being all jammed down there, ha!) It's a pain but I think it's within the realm of what's normal. Good luck!
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