Single Parents

fuck today

Im moving tomorrow. Im sick, bentley is just getting over the sick i still have packing and cleaning to do and my head ans sinuses are killing me.

Re: fuck today

  • eg214eg214 member
    Oh man. I am so sorry. Moving sucks a big one. Where are you going/how far from where you are now? Same size place? Share deets! :) Hopefully a good/happy move.

    The bad news for me is rolling in on a daily if not few hourly basis. I got word today that my Medicaid ends after I'm 2 months PP sooooooooooooooo I won't have health insurance after the end of April. They said I can like ask for that not to be the case or something so I hope to God I can get it extended. IDK if anyone else has experience with this. IDK if it has something to do with how VA is like an anti medicaid state or what...bc we're currently in political turmoil over medicaid expansion as we've never expanded it ever before.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • eg214eg214 member
    edited March 2014
    Also atty said his atty is looking like he's going to make a stink about CS and me not working. Which is like the biggest asshole dick move you can do. Basically since I am capable of working and last year made $40k, the courts CAN base CS on the fact I am capable of making $40k even if I'm not. I get it. Whatever. But it's bullshit. ManChild isn't wealthy by any means but he totally has the money to support her "heavily." The guy doesn't have a life and has all of his medical and such taken care of by the military and medicare and all of that. He has no massive expenses besides the normal adult stuff and he could also take a job but chooses not to.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
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  • eg214 - if that's the case, then they need to factor in childcare. If you were working, you'd be paying a shit ton in full-time daycare since you are the only care taker. That should offset a bit, no? I know my lawyer asked me to send her childcare estimates cause I'm sure they will factor my c/s off of what I could make too (currently, I only have a part-time job and make $20 per hour but have my MBA so....)
    Bad news keeps coming in for me too. This is such a hard time and it's even tougher that it's so cold and gray and spring and sun and warmth need to come baaaacccckkkk!!
  • @Eg214 im moving cause i hate my apartment and my lease is up im moving about ten minutes away. Ill be renting a bedroom/bathroom from an single dad with a ten year old girl and 12 year old boy. Hes a professional driver and he needs an adult in the house with the kids since he has custody of them and he said hed prefer renting to a female because of his daughter.

    Its a nice place. Im mostly renting it because it is furnished and i dont have to sign another lease
  • @Eg214 hes ex military correct? If hes claiming dd he should not only be paying chold support but tricare(military health insurance, whichim sure you know) should cover dd.

    Have you applied for affordable health care act
  • eg214eg214 member
    I can't include childcare to my knowledge right now bc I'm not working and in school. CS for childcare is only granted for work related, not school. Idk wtf. I mentioned to my atty that wtf was I to do with her? She just turned 6 weeks this week so who was going to watch her when daycare doesn't accept?

    Yeah he is going to have to provide Tricare.

    I can't afford ACA. Already looked into it. Its like $180 a month just for me. I can barely pay my bills now.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • Im sorry things will get better
  • Odd that childcare isn't included for school.  It is in Michigan.  Your state sucks!
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