Trouble TTC

Re-Intro and Antral Follicle question

Hi. I have been around this board before back in July 2013 when I first started all my testing.In a nutshell our dx is mild MFI and severe arcuate Uterus.  In Sept '13 IUI #1 was scheduled as you can see in my siggy that didn't happen and I overstimmed. We chose to convert to IVF. No luck.
Fast FWD to today, after all the WTF appts and discussing it turns out IVF is our best shot. We are attempting IUI #1.1 since we can't really afford IVF #2 at this time. I am really scared of a repeat of last cycle, in which I developed 9 follicles. We can't afford converting again. I am so anxious and scared, about everything as I know that our chance of success is just 7-10%. Today was baseline and I already have 6 antral follicles on the R and 1-2 on the L.  I just want to hear your 2 cents on this. 

How many antral follicles did you have at baseline and how many follicles you ended up at trigger time? 

*Losses mentioned*
Me: 34 DH:32
TTC #1 since Dec 2011
HSG = tubes clear, bicornuate or septate ute; MRI= severe arcuate uterus no septum seen 
SA #1 low count, low morph;  SA#2 4% Morph, count OK  SA#3 july 2014= NORMAL!!!
9/2013  IUI#1 w/Clomid 100mg = over response; cycle converted to cryoocyte IVF
IVF #1: 9/15 ER= 9 mature eggs, all eggs made it thru vitrification
10/23 ICSI 6 fertilized; 10/28 5dt of two morulas. Hold on to me babies, stick, stick, stick!!
11/6 BFP EDD 7/14/14 Beta #1= 18; 11/9 Beta #2= 44.8; 11/12 Beta #3= 7 = Early loss @4w6d. No frosties
Feb 2014 Hysterscopy = no septum seen ute all clear in the inside
 IUI #1.1 4/2/14 Beta on 4/16 BFN
Thinking about IUI #2  RE advised to try 3?????
Natural cycle surprise BFP 8/3/14 EDD 4/11/15  beta#1(8/5/14)=35 Beta#2(8/8/14)=22  CP/Early loss@5w
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Re: Re-Intro and Antral Follicle question

  • At my baseline my RE said that I had 18 follicles (9 on each side).  I just had my follow up today and I have three (26mm, 19mm on my right side and a 16mm on my left side).  I was told to trigger tonight and BD ... and depending upon my blood work, I could have my IUI tomorrow.  If not tomorrow, then I'm scheduled for a Saturday IUI.

    Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
    RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
    IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

  • Thanks for your responses. Like I said I think I am over anxious.I don't even know how many antral follicles I had on my previous cycle. I also keep going round and round in my head thinking this is just foolish why am even doing this when I only have a  7-10% chance. I am so not a gambler, but I think its like DH said if we don't give IUI a shot we will always wonder.
    *Losses mentioned*
    Me: 34 DH:32
    TTC #1 since Dec 2011
    HSG = tubes clear, bicornuate or septate ute; MRI= severe arcuate uterus no septum seen 
    SA #1 low count, low morph;  SA#2 4% Morph, count OK  SA#3 july 2014= NORMAL!!!
    9/2013  IUI#1 w/Clomid 100mg = over response; cycle converted to cryoocyte IVF
    IVF #1: 9/15 ER= 9 mature eggs, all eggs made it thru vitrification
    10/23 ICSI 6 fertilized; 10/28 5dt of two morulas. Hold on to me babies, stick, stick, stick!!
    11/6 BFP EDD 7/14/14 Beta #1= 18; 11/9 Beta #2= 44.8; 11/12 Beta #3= 7 = Early loss @4w6d. No frosties
    Feb 2014 Hysterscopy = no septum seen ute all clear in the inside
     IUI #1.1 4/2/14 Beta on 4/16 BFN
    Thinking about IUI #2  RE advised to try 3?????
    Natural cycle surprise BFP 8/3/14 EDD 4/11/15  beta#1(8/5/14)=35 Beta#2(8/8/14)=22  CP/Early loss@5w
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome
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  • I think I usually start out with about 6 but I'm not the best responder. I take LOTS of meds to get 2 to mature. My dr told me yesterday he would expect me to get about 6-8 from IVF.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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