
21 wks lots of Pressure

I am now 21 wks with di-di twins and I have been having a lot of vaginal pressure almost feels like I a swollen.  I keep mentioning it to my OB and Perinatologist and neither has said anything.  Has anyone else had this not sure if it is just because there are 2 babies or because this is my 3rd pregnancy?   I know I have so much longer to go but it's getting so much harder. 

Also, has anyone gotten really nasty varicose veins.  Mine are painful and seem to get worse.  My OB made me get compression stockings to wear they are not very comfortable but trying to at lease wear them for 5-6 hours.  I feel I am just falling apart.  I don't mean to sound like a whiner but it's just been as tough week.

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Re: 21 wks lots of Pressure

  • no experience with the veins, but i had a lot pressure with my twins at around 19 weeks.  i really felt something was "off",  so i had my dr do an internal exam and discovered that i had started funneling.  not saying that this might be the case for you, but i would just keep bringing it up and ask about funneling.  good luck!
  • I started feeling vaginal pressure closer to 30 weeks. My OB said it is normal with the weight and pressure of the twins. I can't wear a belly band because they are both low and head down and that hurts, but at 21w You might want to try one?
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  • Thanks ladies, I will try a belt to see if it helps.  Also, my OB has be coming in every 2 wks since the beginning (he says he is extra cautious with his multiples patients).  I will be going back on the 31st.

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  • That's great! My OB takes twins very seriously and I love it. GL!
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  • I've been having this, too, and it's gotten progressively worse now. It started for me weeks ago, maybe around 15 weeks. My OB wasn't concerned b/c it's relatively normal I guess, but I'll ask her next week b/c I've been really uncomfortable and it's constant. I'll have my cervix checked at my u/s tomorrow, too, so that'll help. Hope you get some answers though!
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  • I've been having this, too, and it's gotten progressively worse now. It started for me weeks ago, maybe around 15 weeks. My OB wasn't concerned b/c it's relatively normal I guess, but I'll ask her next week b/c I've been really uncomfortable and it's constant. I'll have my cervix checked at my u/s tomorrow, too, so that'll help. Hope you get some answers though!
    Let me know what your Dr. says I have been having  this since about 17wks and just continues to get worse.  I kind of thought it was just since they are really starting to grow.  Thanks ladies for all the advice.
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  • quinncat said:
    I have a lot of pressure, but it is more my labia than vagina. No pressure on the inside. My Obgyn said people can get varicose veins there (gross). I wear a support belly band at work and that seems to help when I'm on my feet. The band is really uncomfortable when I am sitting though.
    Thanks I know gross of varicose veins down there.  I should get a band, I did call the Dr. and he sent me over to the hospital just to be safe.  Everything is good no funneling my cervix is 5.5cm so we are good.  Also, the babies are both breech and standing on my bladder.  They said that could be why and they did find a UTI so that can cause some strange symptoms.  I have had UTI's before but didn't have any of the classic signs.  Just trying to take it one day at a time.
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  • I went to the doctor several weeks ago because the pelvic pressure was so bad; they did a u/s to make sure nothing was going on and everything looked good.  She told me because it's twins and not my first pregnancy that I'd be having much worse pelvic pressure and that's it's normal.  She did recommend a belly band which has helped a lot. I still constantly walk around feeling like I need to hold my pelvis and uterus up.
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