Cloth Diapering

No shit?

Dh still thinks we should start a cloth diaper laundering service. I am entertaining the idea if we could get a few people to do it. I'm not talking about anything crazy. So the fun part would be naming the business. I asked hypothetically what to name it on my fb page.

My brother said "No shit." I guess the  slogan would be everyone poops.  Too much for a family business heheh?
A friend suggested Clean as a whistle.

I would probably go with something lame such as Clo's cloth diapering service and use the slogan dh came up with. "We've got your baby's back(side) covered"

Alright ladies, what would you name your hypothetical business or diapers?
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Re: No shit?

  • What about Diaper Hype? Kinda rhymes...or something simple like Clean Start Diaper Service or Fresh Dipes?

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  • D still wants to start a brick and mortar cd/crunchy mom store. Complete with crib and playroom and desks in the back so I can bring my littles.

    You just described my friends store. We go there like once a week to play.
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  • Wishy Washers? Baby Bubbles? Dapper Diaper or Dapper Nappies?


  • The crunchymama store sounds awesome!
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  • Wishy Washers? Baby Bubbles? Dapper Diaper or Dapper Nappies?

    OMG LOVE Dapper Nappies! That is so much fun to say :)

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  • D still wants to start a brick and mortar cd/crunchy mom store. Complete with crib and playroom and desks in the back so I can bring my littles.
    If you do, have a place for new moms to be able to sit down and bf. I went to one store and there was no place to even sit! a bench up front would have been sufficient! ugh.

    Needless to say I didn't go back. 
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