Stay at Home Moms

s/o issues...what health issues do you have?

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at 15, have TMJ, lots of food intolerances, IBS.

I always talk about my depression and anxiety, but I think a lot of it stems from the physical stuff!
O 10.08 & MJ 6.10

Re: s/o issues...what health issues do you have?

  • High blood pressure, PCOS, thyroid issues, back problems. I'm hoping that these all will improve as I keep working out and losing weight.
  • @CnAmom - I thought you said you were allergic to cheap motels!!  

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  • I have thought for years that I was hypoglycemic, but it turns out I have an adrenal malfunction if some kind.

    I have asthma, which was pretty bad when I was a kid. I grew up in a mild damp climate that nearly killed me. Know that I know what my triggers are I rarely have trouble, but it made my childhood pretty awful.
    Elkanah Brave, born 02/06/2012 7:26am
  • I am a carrier for a genetic blood clotting disorder. It doesn't really affect me too much. I'm at higher risk for blood clots, but not as high of a risk if I had the full blood clotting disorder. I have to take low dose aspirin daily while pregnant.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP with #2- Sept 6, 2013  EDD May 20, 2014   MC Sept 26, 2013 @ 6 wks 2 days

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  • I was diagnosed with pretty bad reflux, but only when I had a scope done to check for celiac disease.  I haven't actually had regular reflux in years.  SO random. 
    O 10.08 & MJ 6.10
  • I have hypothyroidism, which is well controlled with meds. Other than that, I have struggled some with anxiety and depression (undiagnosed, though) in the past.
  • Dermatomyositis - a rare muscle auto immune disorder! Was hospitalized in sept for it. Was paralyzed.


    OCD and generalized anxiety. Muh more take now with Prozac!
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  • Celiac disease, anxiety. Ruptured my eardrum a few weeks back and don't have much hearing out of my left ear.
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  • Celiac disease, anxiety. Ruptured my eardrum a few weeks back and don't have much hearing out of my left ear.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Celiac disease, anxiety. Ruptured my eardrum a few weeks back and don't have much hearing out of my left ear.
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  • Celiac disease, anxiety. Ruptured my eardrum a few weeks back and don't have much hearing out of my left ear.
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  • PCOS

    GERD (which goes away when I stay off wheat)

    Scoliosis (mild-ish, but still causes me some pain from time to time)


    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • I have mild scoliosis which is why I had two scheduled csections. My curve is in such a place I would not have been able to push out a baby. However, I don't have any pain or issues associated with it. I only notice it when I look in the mirror when wearing a swim suit. DH claims no one could tell unless I pointed it out.
  • Super high cholesterol probably related to my PCOS. It cannot be controlled with diet or exercise. I am waiting until I am done having kids to start medication.

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • under active thyroid
  • Nothing! *knock on wood* My mom's side of the family is just completely riddled with genetic diseases, I have no idea how I managed to get out unscathed! 

    I had eating disorders as a teenager, though, and they really do stick with you. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • High blood pressure.  It's genetic and I've had it since my 20's.  

    I exercise 5-6 days a week, am in great shape and a healthy weight.  Nothing outside of meds controls it.  
  • I had high BP 99% of my adult life, until I lost my 50 pounds.  Now it's been 117/70 the past 6 months :)

    I have super bad allergies to mold. I feel like I'm allergic to snow and rain, because those bring up mold spores... anytime it rains or snows, I get pretty bad allergies (headaches, congestion and extreme post nasal drip that I need medication for or it gets so bad it swells my throat from so much and I need a steroid to control it).

    That's it for me.

    Well, I'm minus a gallbladder.  I DID have health issues with that for years, before it was removed.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • I am lactose intolerant. Depression, asthma (though I only use my inhaler maybe once a month), and I have very low blood pressure which causes me to faint sometimes.
  • I am hypothyroid, have a vitamin D deficiency, and I have rheumatoid arthritis.  The thyroid and vitamin D are really well controlled on medications.  I have not started to treat the RA yet, because I am pregnant, so I am just dealing with the joint pain and stiffness.
  • Hypothyroidism and low iron

  • Nothing! *knock on wood* My mom's side of the family is just completely riddled with genetic diseases, I have no idea how I managed to get out unscathed! 

    I had eating disorders as a teenager, though, and they really do stick with you. 
    Me too, joyfully....sorry to hear you had to go through it too. :-( I am all healthy now, but am a tad underweight....not on purpose (that's really a place I never want to be again), but b/c I have a crazy fast metabolism and have a hard time keeping enough weight on.
  • Gastro said:
    Hormonal migraines. @Chapter79‌ minus gallbladder here too. Did have painful pains in my side for years until I had a massive gallbladder attack and had to have it removed immediately.
    Ugh even just thinking about gallbladder attacks is enough to make me hold my stomach, and go in a corner and cry.  I suffered for a year with very minor ones.. thinking it was heartburn. All of a sudden I had a SEVERE one. I swear I thought I was dying, I was sure I was having a heart attack and told my H I wouldn't make it through the night :P   After hours, it went away.. then two days later it happened again, even more severe. And I'm pretty sure I told my family goodbye.  Then I made an appt.  I 5 more very severe attacks that week, and they scheduled surgery 4 days after.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • I'm fat and I have eczema on my left ankle. 
  • I have bad eczema and have issues with a lot of household cleaners, soaps, and other products.  I have a multitude of other skin issues.

    I had PPD with DD1 (though undiagnosed since I lied to everyone and said things were fine because I felt ashamed).  I have dealt with depression throughout my life, though am doing pretty well right now.
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • I have pcos, a pituitary tumor, high BP, a leaky heart valve that will need to be replaced sometime.
    I have kept the pcos under control with diet and small amounts of exercise. The BP is new, I taking meds for it now. The tumor isn't an issue unless I was trying to get pregnant. My heart valve is what concerns me the most.
  • I had knee surgery last summer due to old sport injuries,  
    I am very sensitive to the sun - on an allergic level. I get horrible heat rash and swelling from heat. 
     I can not take birth control  pills due to blooding clotting issues. 
    I am ultra sensitive to medications and unless its vital I don't take any.  I took nyquil once and woke up in a hospital because It made me sleep for almost 2 days straight. My parents freaked they could not wake me up.
    Prone to PPD and worried about it right now. seeing doctor tomorrow to talk about it and options.
  • I have a sensitivity to pseudo-ephedrine that gives me sleeplessness, which basically means when I get a cold there's virtually no decongestant I can take unless I want to be awake for three days straight. I guess I can't really complain, though, because that's about it.

    I also pee when I laugh really hard, but I figured that's kind of a given around here... 
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  • I have a pretty good sized fibroid on the outside of my uterus.  It doesn't bother me until I am in my third trimester
  • Nope no health issues at all.
  • Do spring allergies count?

    Otherwise my family has an inherited bone issue. We always thought it was Perthes, but my niece recently underwent genetic testing and it turns out to be Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia. My joint issues are very mild, but may increase with age or weight gain.

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    C  7.16.2008 | L  11.12.2010 | A  3.18.2013


  • I don't have any issues but my father and my Aunt (his sister) are a mess.  My father has had Parkinsons since before I was born and my aunt has horrible Rheumatoid Arthritis and MS.

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  • Only seasonal allergies
  • Bipolar II and anxiety. Reflux (partly due to medication) and I've had gastritis flare-ups from time to time (stress is the main trigger). I had high BP while pregnant but I don't have a PCP so I haven't followed up about it. I have a history of high cholesterol. My ankles are kind of crappy (my sister had issues and surgery on one of hers), especially since pregnancy.
  • anxiety and chronic sinusitis
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  • Miscarriages. Lots and lots of miscarriages.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers m/c 01-07-10
  • Mild mitral valve prolapse.  I have no symptoms and it was only discovered because I had a random echocardiogram.  

    I also have seasonal allergies and I'm allergic to cats.  
    Ms. A  - 2007, Mr. C - 2009
  • I'm very, very fat and out of shape. That's about it, though. Well, I did have to have an asscrack cyst removed once like @Kimbus22‌ but that was a long time ago.

    Grant - 6/2/11
    Glenn and Caroline - 6/19/13

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