First things first. Genetic counsellor called today. My blood results (scan was not helpful as they couldn't get measurement cause baby wouldn't stay still) came back false. My numbers were 1/850 for Downs and 1/7500 for spina bifida and trisonomy 18. Hooray. She said downs number was great as im 36.
Ok so sex question. Sorry if tmi. So at 7 weeks I had some bleeding which was caused by a subchorionic hemmorage. At 12 weeks had a similar bleeding. Nothing showed on ultrasound so it was determined it could have been connected to original issue or a new one that resolved itself as it didnt show on scan. I am 17 weeks on Wed and all is going well. However I am scared to have sex. Im worried it will cause more bleeding sending me into a panic. Lol My poor husband has been so patient with me. Anyone with similar experiences or just scared of sex hurting things in general. I feel crazy. Lol
Ok ramble over.
Re: Scan results and sex question
Hope that help I'm finding things are heightened right now ">