Pregnant after 35

Scan results and sex question

micmashmicmash member
edited March 2014 in Pregnant after 35
First things first. Genetic counsellor called today. My blood results (scan was not helpful as they couldn't get measurement cause baby wouldn't stay still) came back false. My numbers were 1/850 for Downs and 1/7500 for spina bifida and trisonomy 18. Hooray. She said downs number was great as im 36.

Ok so sex question. Sorry if tmi. So at 7 weeks I had some bleeding which was caused by a subchorionic hemmorage. At 12 weeks had a similar bleeding. Nothing showed on ultrasound so it was determined it could have been connected to original issue or a new one that resolved itself as it didnt show on scan. I am 17 weeks on Wed and all is going well. However I am scared to have sex. Im worried it will cause more bleeding sending me into a panic. Lol My poor husband has been so patient with me. Anyone with similar experiences or just scared of sex hurting things in general. I feel crazy. Lol

Ok ramble over. :)

Re: Scan results and sex question

  • I had a small amount of bleeding after sex a couple of weeks ago.  I called in to tell the nurse, they moved up my U/S and told me it was probably just the sex.  I also had a lot of bleeding with my daughter around 7 weeks.  We never figured out why, but it wasn't from sex and everything turned out to be just fine.  So, I think the fear is totally understandable, but keep in mind, too, that if you bleed as a result of sex, it's nothing to do with any danger to the baby.  That said, being concerned doesn't exactly "set the mood"...sorry I'm not more help.  Hang in there!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Glad to hear you got good news regarding blood tests!  whew, that for me is a huge sigh of relief... the bleeding with sex is normal and typical and yes worrisome to the mom... I hope you are able to feel more comfortable living life which includes a sexual relationship with your dh, best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy.
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  • I've heard that some light bleeding after sex is ok as long as it stops:))
    Hope that help I'm finding things are heightened right now :\">
  • I've heard it is very common, because increase blood flow to cervix. So spotting is ok , a full pad no. My H is nervous too;)... Congrats and welcome!
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • I am currently 35 weeks and I too had the sub chorionic hematoma very early on with the bleeding and spotting. I was put on pelvic rest until the issue resolved itself. I would ask my doctor about sex and see if it was ok, but like you we were totally freaked out and scared to have sex so we didn't for the longest time. I know how scary it is. We had a miscarriage 5 years ago so when I first started bleeding and spotting I thought for sure this was what was happening again. But it resolved itself and everything has been great with the baby since. I am 35 years old and my husband 37. We were concerned about our age too, but all seems normal and we are expecting our second child ( a little girl this time) on Oct. 1. Good luck! I am sorry for the rambling. I would just do what you all and your doctor thinks is best for you and your situation.
  • leela02leela02 member
    edited September 2014
    I've spotted bright red after sex (usually the day after) and was told it was normal. I had a peri-gestational bleed in the first trimester and had to be on modified bedrest with no sex for a couple of weeks, to see if it would get worse or resolve itself. I never had any external bleeding from it. My doc said because of where it was located, the blood was just getting absorbed back into my body. She didn't think it was a concern since I wasn't bleeding and everything else was progressing normally. After the middle of my 2nd trimester I no longer spot after sex, I don't really know why. But I'm more uncomfortable in general so it's not like I want to have sex that frequently...
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