I think i decided for ds birthday that im going to make some apps and a salad and maybe antipasta squares and then order pizza. Mostly because I just cant think of anything to make that would be super easy and not a mess that sounds good right now.
So there will be about 30-35 people, 10 of them will be kids. 1. 10 year old and then rest between 2-5. How many pizzas would you order? And what kind would you order? I used to order pizza from this awesome bakery in town. They have the best pizza and the other week they just closed with no warning!
I do two slices per person, adult or child. When it's primarily a kid party, I do 2/3 of the order cheese and 1/3 pepperoni. If it's more adults, I'll add a veggie and/or supreme, and Hawaiian.
We ordered from a place that does square cut, so I'm no help. But I would order a couple of cheese, majority pepperoni, one veggie, and a combo meat and veggie or two.
I have about the same number of people as you. I am counting on 2 slices per person, kid or adult. Most the kids will eat 1 slice, and ,most the adults will eat two slices.the extras from the kids should make up the extras for the three slice people. I am also ordering breadsticks and making an antopasta (sp?) salad.
We had a very similar menu and guest # for DD2's party a couple of weekends ago. I ordered 6 large pizzas and we had plenty, though the party was from 2-4, so not necessarily a prime meal time, and I think most people were just snacking. I ordered:
Re: how much pizza
1 cheese
1 pepperoni
1 bbq chicken
1 sausage combo
1 hawaiian
1 puttanesca (veggie)
DD #2 - 03.13