I was so happy I got a referral authorization last week, I e-mailed the referral to the RE. I figured all would be ok, but that would be false. I got a call from the RE that they can't use the referral because the diagnosis that is on there is Metrorrhagia. Which when I look that up, it doesn't apply to me at all. And I asked if they could see me if it said PCOS (which is more accurate, obviously), she said that it was a gynecological issue, and they could only see me if it said "global infertility". I want to get pregnant, yes, but it is probably more important to me at this point to know I have gotten a true diagnosis, and I thought an RE would/could do that.
I'm mad/ready to cry/confused, all at the same time. I don't even know how to argue this.
Me: 30, PCOS-non IR, Annovulatory; DH: 31, SA normal
Testing Completed! HSG Clear, Ovarian Reserve score 17, Elevated Testosterone, everything else normal so far
Clomid 150mg + HCG + IUI #1 May/June 2014 (BFN)
Clomid 150 mg + HCG + IUI #2 July 2014 (BFN)
Femara 2.5mg + Estrace + HCG + IUI #3 Cancelled d/t no response
Moving on to IVF with ICSI after break to lose weight.
My Ovulation Chart
Re: Can't even describe my feels right now
Ugh. Sorry. That is so frustrating.
So the RE will not see you unless it says "infertility" or he will see you but your insurance won't cover it? Is there another RE who might take your referral as is?
Sorry you are dealing with this. ((hugs))
**************SIGGY WARNING**************
Me 32 :: DH 41
TTC since November, 2011
DH's SA : Excellent
Lap and Hysteroscopy June 2012
DX: PCOS, Stage III Endo, slight Adenomyosis, blocked tube, and probable LPD
Treatments: 6 Months Lupron Depot injections; 1500 mg metformin; 3 cycles of Clomid + TI = BFN
3 endometrial biopsies all were "out of phase"
September - December, 2013: Break to lose weight and get healthy
40 lb weight loss but still not ovulating "in phase"
February - March 2014: bcps + follistim + trigger + TI = BFP
Beta #1 (12dpo): 30; Beta #2 (18dpo): 500; Beta #3 (25dpo): 7,000!!!
1st u/s 4/16: One beautiful hb at 144 bmp
2nd u/s 4/29: hb at 166 bmp. Graduated from RE!!
Baby girl arrived on Thanksgiving day weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
I think I can get this straightened out, I just need to get to the right people to change the bullshit diagnosis they plugged in. I am lucky in that my MD agreed to at least test me for insulin resistance (I go in tomorrow for the bloodwork), so I am hoping if that comes back abnormal, it won't be a problem to get put on Metformin in the meantime.
I have an HMO, and they require an RE to go any further. I did find out that the problem is just with the particular RE I was given the referral to. He can only see for fertility (Solely trying to get pregnant. They are going to refer me to another RE who will be able to see me for PCOS/amenorrhea. I'm finally getting somewhere!