
Short cervix, strict bedrest.

TRS48TRS48 member
edited March 2014 in Multiples
So I got sent straight from the doctors to L&D on Friday with worries I was contracting due to my cervix measuring short. OB came to L&D and I wasn't contracting (thank goodness) but she put on bedrest at home (can only get up to shower & use the restroom). She also prescribed me Progesterone suppositories saying they haven't been shown to help pregnancies with multiples & a short cervix but it can't hurt to try since it works for singleton pregnancies. I'm so scared, I'm only 21 weeks. :( Can anyone offer some advice whose been here before? Or positive outcomes? I could use it right now. Thank you!

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Re: Short cervix, strict bedrest.

  • What is your cervix measuring? I was just sent to the hospital for bed rest on Thursday night after my cervix began to shorten a cm a week for the last 3 weeks. I'm down to .7cm with no dilating & no thinning. I was on strict bed rest as well, but I started contracting & that was what landed me here. Are you seeing a perinatologist or an MFM?
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  • TRS48TRS48 member
    On Friday (when I was sent to L&D) it was between 1.8-2 cm. Just a week ago (the Friday before) it was a little over 3 cm. I'm not sure what happened in a week to make it shorten so much. It wasn't funneling so that was good but I'm still nervous. I'm just seeing my OB bc a perinatal would've cost me $1400/appt (thanks to my terrible insurance) so my OB got me in on a courtesy appt with her perinatal friend this past Friday, thankfully. Now I'm wondering if I should go ahead and start paying for perinatal visits regularly bc of this issue. How is the hospital bed rest treating you? Are they giving you anything along with the bedrest? Like progesterone, etc?

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  • I've been going to MFM regularly since the 3 month mark for regular growth and cervical monitoring (my OB's standard recommendation for multiples).  Around the same time as you, they noticed that my cervix had begun to shorten.  Over the course of a week, it went from 2.5cm to 1.9.  My doctor said that for twin pregnancies, progesterone was not really proven to help, and a cerclage was actually contraindicated.  I ended up having a cervical pessary inserted--it's essentially a silicone ring that circles and supports the cervix.  My length went from 1.9cm to 3.0 immediately due to the extra support.  At 28 weeks, it's holding great and my measurements have all been in the 2.7-3.0cm range.

    This is a fairly new protocol, particularly in the US; however, based on recent research as well as experience using it in their practice, my MFM office really feels this is a great option.  You may want to talk to your doctors about this as a possibility.  Good luck!

  • @TRS48 I am being monitored 3 times a day for an hour. They have me on progesterone suppositories (been on those since 12 weeks), and I'm also on Procardia to keep my contractions away. They are going to check my cervix once a week & see how it's holding up. When I came into the hospital on Thursday, I was in labor, so that was what made me lose 1/2 of what I had so quickly. 

    You need to decide if it's worth it to pay the money. Have an in-depth conversation with your dr about how important it is for you to see a perinatologist. If your dr isn't concerned, then just take it easy & listen. 
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    "To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited" - Anne Buchanan
  • Positive outcome (in the long run at least!)  I used the progesterone supplements and it did seem to slow the progression slightly.  I was around your measurement a week or two before you.  I was on strict bedrest for all of December, it was at 1.4 around 23 weeks, down to 0.9 at 24 weeks and dilated to 2cm, so they tossed me into the hospital for the remainder.  

    My doctors are convinced that the bed rest (both hospital and home) and the progesterone bought my girls time to get to the 26 week 3 day mark and they were born weighing 2 lbs and 2 lbs 2 oz.  Now we're at 34 weeks and 5 days and they are doing amazing!    A is at 4 lbs 6 oz, B at 4 lbs 11 oz (twin B started her growth spurt a day earlier than A did, otherwise they've been measuring almost identical). 

    You can make this!  Just adhere to the bed rest, eat / drink healthy, watch lots of Netflix and try to relax for your twins sake <3  

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  • I'm so glad your OB is being proactive! My OB was not proactive and I did not have a positive outcome unfortunately. I don't want to scare you but I also can't resist from responding to your post in case I could help you in some way. I was able to carry twins successfully the 2nd time and I had an amazing MFM. He told me what he *would* have done if I had him the first time to help me carry my twins to viability or even better, to term. He suggested a pessary for my shortening cervix. I think it's a great option for you too. He would have also put me on hospital bedrest in the Trendelenburg position.  I would definitely consider seeing an MFM if you could swing it. You may think these options are on the cautious side but your precious babies are worth it and you only get one shot at this pregnancy. I'll be thinking of you. xo
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    IVF #1 BFP b/g twins!; loss at 23 weeks due to I.C. and PTL. IVF #2 BFP 5/26/12; due date 2/6/13; TAC surgery 7/20/12, blessed with another girl & boy! 

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  • e74e74 member
    Big hugs! My cervix was 2.5 at 23 weeks and went to 1.1 a week later which landed me in the hospital n bed rest. I was also slightly dilated... I got progesterone shots weekly. I stayed in the hospital until 28 weeks and was sent home on bed rest. I made it to 31 weeks and the twins were born at that time... 3 lbs, 5 oz and 4 lbs, 4 oz. I know there are varying opinions on bed rest but I believe it helped me. You and your babies are in my thoughts and prayers! If you have any questions or just need to talk, PM me or put a message on here.
    DS#1 born 9/23/06 
    Twins DS#2 and 3 born at 31 weeks, 3 days due to a short cervix on 8/2/13.
  • edited March 2014
    My story was very similar. I had some signs of ptl one evening, went to l&d, was cleared and sent home but told to f/u with my ob the next day. I went in on my lunch break to find my cervix had shortened considerably and I was put on immediate strict bedrest and had a cerclage the next day. I was also 21w. I held out another 12 weeks til my water broke at 31w 1d. They were born 3 days later at 34w4d. Just listen to your dr and rest rest rest. It's the best thing you can do to keep those babies cooking!! Keeping you in my thoughts! GL!
    Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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