Just curious of others experiences.. I am 12 week PP and baby boy is healthy and perfect! But I just can't help but wonder how necessary my c-section was. here is what happened..
I was induced at 40 weeks because he was measuring pretty big and I had been 1 CM for over a week. It was December 22 and I was having horrible back pain and just ready for him to come! Induced at 6 AM, labored all day and finally started pushing about 730 PM. Pushed for an hour with not much progress. Dr. tried episiotomy and still nothing, we then tried forceps and he still was not budging. Finally a little after 9 she said he was not coming and we needed to go ahead with a c section. I obviously was in pain and so tired so we did. Now that time has gone by I can't help but feel a little guilty that I didn't try a little longer to push! Just wondering if anyone else had similar experiences! Trying to find some reassurance that he was not coming on his own!!!!!
Re: Wondering how necessary c-section was
I dunno, it is what it is, which isn't necessarily comforting. Be kind to yourself, at any rate. And VBAC is totally possible, if you're thinking of having more kids someday. Having a VBAC went a very long way in helping me let go of my first son's birth.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Our beautiful babies