
Wondering how necessary c-section was

Just curious of others experiences.. I am 12 week PP and baby boy is healthy and perfect! But I just can't help but wonder how necessary my c-section was. here is what happened..

I was induced at 40 weeks because he was measuring pretty big and I had been 1 CM for over a week. It was December 22 and I was having horrible back pain and just ready for him to come! Induced at 6 AM, labored all day and finally started pushing about 730 PM. Pushed for an hour with not much progress. Dr. tried episiotomy and still nothing, we then tried forceps and he still was not budging. Finally a little after 9 she said he was not coming and we needed to go ahead with a c section. I obviously was in pain and so tired so we did. Now that time has gone by I can't help but feel a little guilty that I didn't try a little longer to push! Just wondering if anyone else had similar experiences! Trying to find some reassurance that he was not coming on his own!!!!! 

Re: Wondering how necessary c-section was

  • I think that's common- particularly for those who made it to the pushing stage and still ended up with a c/s. But ultimately, it is what it is. You can keep going over it in your head but to what end? Personally, I opted to skip the induction entirely and go straight for the c/s (he was in distress and I was closed up tight). Of course I wondered if I may have been one of the lucky ones with an easy/successful induction but ultimately, I think it went the way it was meant to and I'm at peace with that and my subsequent 2 RCS's as well.






  • How big was your LO?

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  • alexpierce88alexpierce88 member
    edited March 2014
    He was 8 lb 7 oz, 21 inches long
  • Pushing can last for a few hours for a first time mom. I wasn't induced, but pushed for 4+ w DS1 and he wasn't budging, and I ended up w a CS. I still spent a lot of time doubting myself, and doing a lot of "what ifs" (I got stuck in the hospital in early labor, no one checked his position until he was stuck in my pelvis, maybe I should have gotten an epidural, etc.).

    I dunno, it is what it is, which isn't necessarily comforting. Be kind to yourself, at any rate. And VBAC is totally possible, if you're thinking of having more kids someday. Having a VBAC went a very long way in helping me let go of my first son's birth.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • Mine was very necessary. I had an emergency c/s due to HELLP and I also had partial placenta previa.
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  • Worcbride said:
    I cannot attest to your situation but I can give you my thoughts...there's been a lot of women on the board who regret their cs....feel like they've missed out on something.  Personally I've never felt this way.  Maybe because of the year + of fertility treatments or maybe because I'm an older mom (had DD at 38, DS at 40) but my goal was always to have a healthy baby.....how I got that healthy baby was secondary.  That's what my focus was on.  Birth is birth and it can take different forms....natural, water, cs, hypnosis etc.  Please enjoy your LO and be thankful he's healthy.  You can play the what-if game forever but you'll only drive yourself nuts.  Maybe if you had not had the cs your boy would not be as healthy as he is...many things can go wrong;  what went right for you was your lil man is in your arms :-)  Hugs
    Love this, you are absolutely right!  I needed to hear this too.

    OP, I get it, I've done the same thing.  I was very upset about my c-section, I even cried several times in the 1 1/2 months after my twins were born.  Like, balled my eyes out, sobbing.  I think a lot had to do with the hormones and running on no sleep.  My birth went nothing like I planned.  But, like pp said, as long as your baby is here happy and healthy that's all that matters.  Also, if you do have another baby in the future you can always try for a vbac.  There's nothing you could or couldn't have done to change things so don't feel guilty at all.  

    Hope that you feel better.

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  • Oh wow did not make it as far as you.....

    I was induced at 7am, after 5 hours of the foley they finally took it out but the nurse said I was not ready to have my water broken.  Well a few hours later my doc did break it.  Around 6 PM I got my first epidural.  It didn't work very well.  The anesthesiologist kept trying to tell me I would feel discomfort, but no it was definitely pain.  So after my second epidural didn't work we realized LO had become posterior by the pain in my back.  By midnight I was done... only 4 cm (I call them fake 4 cm), no progress, no epidural.  My doctor was not at the hospital to talk to me so I ended up telling the nurse to tell her I wanted a C/S (I knew she would be on board since we had discussed it because of his size).  The. Best. Decision. I made that day!
    Honestly 22 hours was enough for me I can't imagine how much longer it would have taken to get to 10 cm and having any energy to push. And my doctor confirmed my decision saying he was "crooked" and would not have come out on his own.

    So I am not sure if it was necessary but I would do it again!  Baby was safe and healthy(which is all that matters)!!!
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  • I feel like I might be the only person who didn't mind a c-section!! My son had an unstable lie and was transverse at 40 weeks...he still had not even dropped and I was showing no signs of readiness. I opted for a section in order to have a controlled birth and prevent any potential issues. My goal was to bring home a healthy baby, and I did!! I have absolutely no regrets :)
    Hudson photo 18-3_zps5a790486.jpg
  • I had a c-section. I went in on a Monday night because my water broke, but I wasn't dilating so they started to induce. However, my daughter's heart rate would either skyrocket or be non existent every time they'd start so it wasn't really helping. Around noon on Tuesday her heart rate stopped and it took longer than before to get it back, so instead of stressing us both out they decided I needed to go in for the c-section and gave me an epidural. Then an emergency got sent in so I ended up waiting until seven. Not the greatest story, but at least my little girl is happy and healthy. :)
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