Natural Birth


I'm making my padsicles tonight, but I wasn't sure how many I should make? Also how long do you wear them for? Just a few days after delivery? Did you take them with you to the birth center or hospital?

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Re: Padsicles

  • I would make about 20. I used ice pads for the first 4-5 days and would wear one for about 2 hours. The center/hospital should provide some for you while you are there. The hopsital I delivered at used newborn baby diapers, cut them open and put in the inside. They were nice because they did not leak while I was wearing them (the diaper absorbed the melting ice).
  • Thank you!! I appreciate the information!

    BabyFruit TickerAnniversary

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  • I'll be the dissenter. I've never used any type of cold thing done there pp. In fact, the very thought sounds like torture. 

    I must be broken because other people rave about this. 
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  • I only used them at the hospital. The sits bath and tux pads were my two BF while recovering at home.
  • memo9memo9 member
    My midwife said to only use them for 24 hours.  The cold constricts the blood vessels and can hinder healing.  She recommends herbal sitz baths after the "cold" period.  I only made 6 of them and it was the perfect amount.  
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  • I would plan to use them for 3 - 5 days after delivery. I loved the ice packs my hospital gave me, and by day 5 I was only using them one or two times a day because I had them and I liked how soothing they were, not necessarily because I needed them - kwim?

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  • Oh, and I totally credit Earth Mama Angel Baby's Mama Bottom Balm with any healing I had. That stuff is amazing!

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