May 2014 Moms

Swollen vag?

Jk. Let's talk nipples. Anyone's nipples doing this weird scabby thing?

Re: Swollen vag?

  • Yes. It always clears up on its own. I think it's just the stuff that gets secreted (and maybe colostrum?) that dries on them.

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  • Mine are dry. Leaky and an oxymoron.
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  • @spacepotatoes‌ ahhh this makes sense. It was freaking me out a bit. But I noticed that the scabby stuff can be fairly easily flaked off when I'm in the shower. Yuck
  • MK1013 said:
    Man.. I'm boring. Mine aren't doing a dang thing. Just hangin' there....
    Be happy. Mine have been leaking for a solid 10 weeks.
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  • @MK1013‌ my nips are doing the samething.. Which is a whole lot of nothing but just being there. I think I'm gonna freak the first time something leaks outta them.
  • Yeah, they say there is no correlation between leaking and breastfeeding success. Which is annoying because I want to get something for my troubles!
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  • Ya, see mine haven't actually leaked anything yet but I'm assuming they're getting ready... Nipples really gross me out now. I told DH to keep his mouth off em for a bit so as not to get any chunks. Haha

    Ha! My DH is fascinated by all of the veins and the new size of my nipples. He keeps saying that LO's mouth won't be big enough to fit over them.
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  • Mine are doing the same thing.  I haven't noticed any leakage yet, but they are REALLY dry.
  • And the scabs are a yellow/green color. Ewwww!
  • I Rub Down In Baby Oil Every Time I Bathe So My Nips Are Shiny And Extra Moisterized. Try That You Guys! Dry Nips Suck!
  • Mine aren't really doing anything except becoming huge and black! I never leaked when pregnant with DD or when BFing and I did breastfeed successfully for 14m.

    @MK1013 it took me 2-3 months before I started pumping more than 1-1.5oz from each side. I think that's a fairly normal amount at the beginning. As long as your LO is eating frequently enough that should be enough. DD was basically nursing constantly in the beginning with only 20min breaks between sessions. Also babies transfer milk much more efficiently than the pump. So pumping output doesn't necessarily correlate to your supply.
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  • Really fair skinned red head over here, and my nips are seriously like chocolate milk colored now and huge.  It looks totally bizarre with my normal, I could signal a space ship, white winter glare.
    Introducing the Rowselettes, Archer and Xander.
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  • No scabby stuff. But they have turned from light pink to a darker shade - baby targets!
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  • Yes! The scabby stuff. It bugs me when I notice it but mostly, I don't notice it.
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  • @Bootsie327‌ my DH has 2 supernumerary nipples. I keep telling him that he will be much more equipped to feed this baby than I am!

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  • Would you ladies say you have what my husband refers to a "bologna nips"? Or our other favorite "orangutan titties"?

    ETA: image

    That bologna looks like a giant nipple! Gross!!! Hahaha
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  • ehowa499 said:

    @Bootsie327‌ my DH has 2 supernumerary nipples. I keep telling him that he will be much more equipped to feed this baby than I am!

    Yes! Nubbins unite!

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • AmbriaJ said:

    I Rub Down In Baby Oil Every Time I Bathe So My Nips Are Shiny And Extra Moisterized. Try That You Guys! Dry Nips Suck!

    ^Looks like a good book recommendation.

    But honestly my nips get super itchy if I don't lube them up after a shower. I usually just do it when I do my belly. All my skins get itchy otherwise. My bewbs have had little change to them since getting pregnant but I'm really afraid for what fb will do to them.

    And I'm not really ready to give them up as my fun bags. Ok fine, "sacklets", but those don't sound fun to begin with.


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  • No leaky here, but they're definitely a lot darker. I had an operation on my chest as a newborn and I can now see the scar on my nipple.



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    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • JAM85JAM85 member
    I also get dried up white/cream stuff in the nipply grooves. I assume it's colostrum. And they are massive!
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  • Yup. Just call me Bologna Barb.
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  • While breastfeeding Shorty, I had a very bad crack that I gritted my teeth and nursed through. I really want to avoid that this time. It hurt! So I was talking to my mom and said I was worried about breastfeeding again and my mom said "Yeah I would start roughing those nipples up a little, rub them with a wash cloth or something a couple times a day to get them a little tough. Nothing can prepare them completely, but it might help." At first I was like


    Then I started thinking there might be a little merit in what she was saying... it just does not sound pleasant! I mean, you don't run a marathon without some practice, right? What do you think? Think it would help?
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