
Preemie Milestone Guide

Can anyone recommend a good book/website that can guide me on milestones for my twins?  My twins are 6 mo/3 mo adjusted and I'm having a hard time figuring out when they should be doing things.  TIA

Beckett Rilee & Caitlyn Leigh born 9-21-13 @ 27w due to PPROM

Re: Preemie Milestone Guide

  • In general you should follow their adjusted age. But all babies are different and there is a wide range of "normal" for milestones. My kids were born at 29w4d and their milestones have been all over the place. I just did my best not to worry unless they were delayed for their adjusted age. FWIW my youngest twin rolled two weeks before big brother but didn't walk until four months after him.
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    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
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  • I agree w @Missa_g ; However, it gets a little frustrating or confusing when you have to go over this with the nurse at your regular checkups, as well as other miscellaneous curious folks.. Last week, I cringed with every question the nurse asked, like is he holding his up his head, etc, as if he were a full term 3 1/2 month old baby. Um, no. I think every answer to her questions was 'no'. I realize it's a standard list according to actual birth date, not adjusted, and I had to remind her that he is only 3 weeks old, adjusted, so there is nothing "wrong" with him.
    He also hit his 3 weeks feeding binge/growth spurt right on his 3 week adjusted age, not by his birth date/

    My twins were also close to their adjusted ages, as well, for the big milestones, like rolling over, crawling, and I didn't think they would ever walk. I'm not pushing their potty training yet, since they seem to be terrified of the toilet. Maybe another month or so, whenever they are ready. They are currently in speech therapy through Early Intervention, and I don't want to push them with too many adjustments right now.

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  • Yes, pps are right.  With really early babies who spent a lot of time in the NICU or have a lot of surgeries or something, things can be behind the adjusted age, especially at first.  They slowly catch up.  It is super irritating to be at the pedi and have the nurse ask you about the real age milestones and to say "no."  Especially because she usually does them a few days later.  But my pedi knows the deal so she's not going to worry if she's behind for her actual age but fine for her adjusted age.
  • Thanks ladies!  

    My daughter got home about 5 weeks ago from the NICU after 143 days.  My son has been home since Thanksgiving.  He is a bit more advanced-rolling over, lots of laughing/smiling, reaching and holding objects. DD is catching up though.  She is trying to roll over.  She got her PEG tube out on Thursday and has her mini button so she can actually roll if she wants to.  She just started smiling and cooing.  

    Beckett Rilee & Caitlyn Leigh born 9-21-13 @ 27w due to PPROM

  • I would give them a while before worrying about it, esp because your daughter hasn't been out of the NICU that long. Were you automatically connected with Early Intervention or a follow-up clinic? If so, you can leave the hard work to them.

    Going forward though, I really like the Ages and Stages Questionaires. They are used by lots of pedi offices and EI screening programs. Pick the questionaire for their adjusted age. They are more nuanced that the lists of "milestones" you find online. I think the youngest one is 3-4 months, There are scoring instructions on the last page. If a baby has scores in the "black" zone its worth mentioning to your pedi/EI team. Hope that helps!
    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
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  • @LucyRicardo3  My 10 year old was absolutely terrified of the automatic toilets forever!  If you're are already afraid of toilets, I wonder if that will follow.  If so, I learned to stand in the stall with her and put my hand in front of the censor so it wouldn't flush until she was ready to leave.  

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  • Missi576 said:
    @LucyRicardo3  My 10 year old was absolutely terrified of the automatic toilets forever!  If you're are already afraid of toilets, I wonder if that will follow.  If so, I learned to stand in the stall with her and put my hand in front of the censor so it wouldn't flush until she was ready to leave.  
    Ha! Yes, I had that issue with my second kid. Whenever we used a public restroom,I had to teach her about the "loud robot potties" and sort of make a joke out of it with robot noises ... she loves robots and it sort of buffered the fright for her. She still calls them that to this day, as well as the "robot sink" and "robot towels"

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    Lilypie - (9CKY)Lilypie - (xzY1)

  • I just use baby center, google it. You can sign up and they'll send you weekly emails. As PP's stated, try to use their adjusted age and be pleasantly surprised when they're doing things ahead. If there is something they're not doing, just bring it up with your pedi. I believe babies develop at their own pace so I dont get too concerned.
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    Pregnancy #1 EDD 1/20/13, D&C for unexplained miscarriage at 12w
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