May 2013 Moms

10 mos and only eats purées

My LO is 10 months old and still won't eat foods that aren't puréed - except puffs. I keep trying to give him foods with a little chunk in them and he just gags and gags and eventually won't open his mouth.

Just wondering if anyone else's 10 month olds are doing this, or if anyone has some tips for me to get him to get over the gagging. I feel like he will be eating purées till he's 15!

Re: 10 mos and only eats purées

  • I would suggest skipping the chunky purees and seeing how he does with finger foods since he's doing well with puffs.
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  • delino said:
    I would suggest skipping the chunky purees and seeing how he does with finger foods since he's doing well with puffs.
    That is what my pedi said too. She said skip stage 3 with chunks and try soft table food. The chunks in the puree are like a surprise choke. 
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  • Thanks for the feedback ladies - I will try more finger foods, he does looooove his puffs so I know he's capable.
  • Ds is 9 and a half months and still only eats purees. He gags on anything that has a thick texture. Right now he only has two teeth on the bottom. I'm hoping once he gets few more it will help with the gagging.
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  • Ds is 9 and a half months and still only eats purees. He gags on anything that has a thick texture. Right now he only has two teeth on the bottom. I'm hoping once he gets few more it will help with the gagging.
    My guy has 6 teeth! And still gags :( 
  • Purees for life here too! We are purees and puffs only...I try giving her other things and she gags. I am just going to keep trying every so often until she can handle more solids.
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  • Mine has 7 teeth with two more coming in and still will only eat puffs or melts, and purees

    he will gag and usually puke if I give him little pieces of table food.
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  • Today was a disaster - tried giving him eggs - he gagged then puked all over the place! Good times.
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