Baby Names

Middle Name Suggestions Please

We are looking for a mn name that flows well with Jackson. Last name is similar to Lily. Popularity of the name does not bother us. We are already set on Colin, Noah, or Jackson.

So far I have:

Jackson Alexander- Alexander is usually my go to flows with everything mn, but I am not liking it as well paired with Jackson
Jackson Andrew
Jackson Reed (Reed is a family name)... although I like Jackson and Reed separately, I am not so sure I like them together.
Jackson Matthew- eh
Jackson Noah or Noah Jackson- I think Noah Jackson flows better

any other ideas?


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Re: Middle Name Suggestions Please

  • I really love Jackson Reed!
    Me: 27   DH: 28
    Married: November 2015
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  • Love Colin Alexander or Colin Matthew.
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  • I would avoid Jackson Andrew unless you want to honor the late president Andrew Jackson.

    You mentioned Colin was an option but then I didn't see it with a mn. My vote would go to Colin Reid. Noah Jackson is my second choice.
    Colin is a choice, but dh is choosing Jackson so it will be Colin Jackson, Noah Jackson, or Jackson ______. I also thought Jackson Andrew was too close to Andrew Jackson, but it flows! 

    I actually like Colin better than Noah but I feel like Noah Jackson sounds better than Colin Jackson.  This has kept me up all night! Names are so difficult!
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  • Harveys11 said:
    Love Colin Alexander or Colin Matthew.
    Me too, but if I go with Noah or Colin as a fn DH gets Jackson as the mn. Basically, Jackson is going to be in there either as a fn or mn. 
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  • I like Jackson Reed.

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  • Jackson Reed is my favorite. 
    T & J 5.9.09
    MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
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