Does anyone else have their LO's in a forward facing carseat? It is rated for his weight but now that it is put together and installed I am a little leery of it. It would just make me feel a little less worried if others of you had transitioned to a forward facing and like it. Thanks
Re: forward facing carseat ?
If you mean the baby is actually facing forward, you shouldn't feel better even if anyone else was doing it. It's illegal to ff in all US states before 1 (2 in some), and I am fairly sure it's the same in Canada. Keep that baby RF as long as possible.
A look at my future
Wait--does it say not to rear face with that model?
A look at my future
You can't use this one RF.
ETA " 't "
watuzzigal Yes that is the one. It can be RF? I read the installation book twice and everything seemed to be FF. The only thing I could think is if you use the regular seatbelt around those red handle looking things. That doesn't seem safe to me. I will have to read through it again and do more research, for my drive tomorrow I will just use my old one for one more trip. Thanks everyone.
A look at my future
That stinks.
It's really good for picking car seats--and I think it even includes price points for budgets.
A look at my future
Eta- DD is rear facing still and will until she is two.
My 2 year old is still rear facing. This is the one we use in my DHs car....very affordable. It's compact too. The new recs are closer to 3.
FmrAFBrat wow that is really in my budget. I hadn't wanted to order it off the internet just because when I needed it if it hadn't been shipped yet I was worried. I do not leave the house much and bought this carseat last Saturday and was going to help out my friend again this Saturday so that's why I was installing it tonight. I do not like how he looks in his original carseat but I may have to order one off the internet because my local walmarts all have the same options and there are only 4 or 5 different types.
Schell2013 wow I am going to have nightmares now and LO really will not be FF until he is two now no matter what the law is. I felt like he wasn't ready to FF which is why I posted this question on here.
I probably could've just researched the answer but for some reason I feel safer on certain subjects talking to actual parents with babies the same age. It reassures me a bit more. Thanks again.
Old carseat is re-installed and new carseat is back in its box and waiting to be taken back to the store!
A look at my future
The law is different everywhere. Here, for instance, the child must be 1 and 20 lbs.
We RFed B until right before he turned 2. N we will RF until over 2, most likely. I have several friends who's kids are 4 and are still RF.
The Safety 1st has an 8 year expiration you could easily use the seat until LO is in kindergarten or 1st grade. Target had a great sale last weekend & I was able to snag 2 seats for DS2 at great prices.
As far as sales watch for the Graco MyRide, Safety 1st Complete Air, & Evenflo Triumph....they sometimes sell for as low as $120. More so in pink though. All good rear facing seats.
My 2 year old is 37 inches and 34 lbs....rear facing even in our Guide 65. I think people like to use the cost thing way to much as an excuse. We were actually going to spend more on a seat but that and the Combi Corroco were the only ones to fit DHs car.
Edit This is great information. My mind is made up.
We have 2 radian XRTs and I LOVE them. I got a much tighter install with them than my britax marathons and they are much better for extended RFing. I drive a small/mid size SUV and I didn't need the angle adjuster but it is very close to my seat. I have my 26 month old in the radian and my 9 month old in the marathons. Another good thing about the radian is it has a 10yr expiration date.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
DH: 35
DD #1: 6/1/2013
EDD #2: 6/7/2017
BFP 5/21/10, Missed m/c 7/5/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 7wks), D&C 7/7/10
Aug/Sept 2010 - CD3&10 b/w & u/s, genetic testing, SA, HSG, & Lap/Hyst to remove septum
12/09/10 BFP -- 7/05/11 DS born at 33w5d. Came home after 23d in NICU at 37w0d
June 2012 - TTC #2! -- 10/05/12 BFP -- 5/23/13 DS2 born at 37w1d! Yay full term!
Surprise BFP 6/25/14 LO#3 due Feb2015!