Cloth Diapering

Along the same vein as NB GMD diapering...

Has anyone ever gone from orange edge right to red edge? My first was 6lbs 15 oz at birth and chunked out wicked fast, he was over 9 lbs at his two week appt and had doubled his birth weight by 8 weeks. I'm being super cheap and would hate to buy NB, smalls, and mediums and have him go through a size a week until he levels out in growth (or she I guess who knows!). I'm thinking of getting a dozen flats because they're more versatile, but I do want some PFs on hand too. Any thoughts there? Advice is welcome! We didn't CD DS until he was 7 weeks old so this is new to us.

Re: Along the same vein as NB GMD diapering...

  • I went from OsoCozy Size 1 prefolds (which are kind of inbetween GMB nb and small) to GMD mediums with DD. She was 13 lbs at ~2.5 months old when I started using the mediums. I had to fold them down either in front or back to make them the right length for a couple of months, but that didn't bother me.
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  • I kinda wish I would've just went straight to red in gmd. I actually like some one size off brand Indian prefolds, so I've been using them. So now the yellows barely fit. I'd say go for it.
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  • the red edge still seem huge to me, but I can't imagine it's any worse than me starting with yellow and skipping nb. whenever this comes up I just remember my mom using one size prefolds on us as babies. It worked. we may have had huge bums at times, but we aren't any worse off for it now. I think it will be fine to skip yellow edge if you want. And if it really drives you crazy you can always buy some after baby is here.
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  • You might be able to start with yellow edge if you expect your baby to chunk up fast. 

    DS was a slow gainer. We did a diaper trial around 3 weeks, which was right around when he regained his birthweight of 6.5 lbs. Our yellow edges arrived around 5 weeks and DS might have gotten to 8 lbs at around 2 months. I remember having 1-2 inches of extra rise when we first started using them, but those disappeared fast. 

    He started to outgrow them around 12-13 lbs. So if your new LO follows a similar curve as your first, you could probably get 2 good months of use out of yellow edge.
  • If you have enough covers, you can always trifold off-sized prefolds while waiting to grow into the next size.
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  • Flats might be a better option. They fit my little man great at the small stage and can be doubled up later. I think my small prefolds might be more absorbent, but the flats work fine if I make sure to change him consistently.
  • This is all great input, thanks everyone!
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