N had a little patch of dry, bumpy skin on the left side of his mouth, which I was putting cetaphil on but the little bumps started to spread under his his mouth, chin and the other side of his mouth. Cetaphil obviously isn't working at all because now the bumps have spread onto his cheeks, his nose and his forehead. He used to have the smoothest skin and I hate seeing it look so bad. The places around his mouth look the worst and I know it can't feel good. I thought it was due to drool and paci use, but now that it is spreading all over I'm at a loss. Maybe eczema? But most of his skin is not dry.
Does anyone have a remedy to suggest? We did try vaseline around his mouth when we thought it was from paci use...that didn't work either.
Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
Re: N's face is so rashy and it's just getting worse. HALP! Update in comments :(
As far as foods...I believe he's allergic to strawberries so he doesn't have them at all any more. I have put milk in his oatmeal before but he hasn't had oatmeal in a while. He has such a wide variety of foods I wouldn't know where to start cutting things out. I am BFing so I guess it could be dairy?
mrsannie, did your LO's rash seemingly come out of no where? How long did he have it? N's skin has been baby soft until a few weeks ago. If it was a food allergy would it have shown up sooner? Or not necessarily?
My Lo gets a little rash every time a new tooth comes in because he is drooling so much. WalMart has something called Bordeauxs baby kisses this stuff works awesome. It is like a chap stick but works on their cheeks too. my local walmart has it but I could not find it on the website.
This is what the packaging looks like
A look at my future
He prescribed a steroid for the bad spots, but those are right around his mouth and I don't feel comfortable using it.
I feel so defeated. I don't know why he has it, why it's spreading, or what to do for it to go away.
How does a baby with perfect skin go to having his entire body covered in a rash within 2 weeks? Sigh.
I'm losing it lol.
You could also try an oatmeal bath.
ETA-I hope it clears up soon. I know how frustrating it is to feel like nothing's helping.