May 2013 Moms

N's face is so rashy and it's just getting worse. HALP! Update in comments :(

sourpatchkidssourpatchkids member
edited March 2014 in May 2013 Moms
N had a little patch of dry, bumpy skin on the left side of his mouth, which I was putting cetaphil on but the little bumps started to spread under his his mouth, chin and the other side of his mouth. Cetaphil obviously isn't working at all because now the bumps have spread onto his cheeks, his nose and his forehead. He used to have the smoothest skin and I hate seeing it look so bad. The places around his mouth look the worst and I know it can't feel good. I thought it was due to drool and paci use, but now that it is spreading all over I'm at a loss. Maybe eczema? But most of his skin is not dry.

Does anyone have a remedy to suggest? We did try vaseline around his mouth when we thought it was from paci use...that didn't work either.
Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)

Re: N's face is so rashy and it's just getting worse. HALP! Update in comments :(

  • No remedy but hope he gets better soon.
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  • ALP514ALP514 member
    edited March 2014
    Do you think it could be a food allergy? I only say this cause of the spreading and it being worse around the mouth.

    Whenever A has a rash on her face we lather on aquaphore! If you see it getting worse I'd call your pedi. A had a rash that we thought was diaper rash but ended up being a fungal / yeast infection and we got a prescription cream. I know its not the same area but maybe you can get something from the pedi that can work better.

    ETA : Edited cause my computer hit enter before I finished!

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  • R has a big red itchy patch on his back. We started using the Aveno baby eczema care and it seems to be helping. Id be more concerned on the face and id call the pedi
  • hmm...I would take him to the sounds like it could be an allergy to me.
  • I would check with Pedi. In the meantime you could try Cortisone cream. That's the only thing that will help my LO's Eczema. Most of his skin isn't dry, just in a few areas.
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  • DD had what the dr said was contact dermatitis when she was a couple months old. 2% hydrocortisone cleared it up in a couple of days. It started with a small patch and spread over her whole face.
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    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
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  • How are his hands and feet? Does he have a fever? I'm thinking Hands, Foot and Mouth disease, not because I think that's what it is but because we just had a mini-outbreak around here... 
  • Aquafor! But then also I would call the pedi, just to make sure.
  • It could be a food allergy. That's what happened with DS1. I thought it was a drool rash for months, our pedi even said it was drool rash and slap some hydrocortisone on it. At 10 months we found out he was severely allergic to dairy and through allergy testing, found out he was also allergic to peanuts. I then discovered that peas are related to peanuts... at the time he was eating peas almost every day because he loved them. As soon as I cut out peas, the rash went away. 

    Are there things he eats every day that you could try cutting out to see if it goes away?
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  • His hands and feet are fine...I know HFM and this isn't it, although good suggestion!

    As far as foods...I believe he's allergic to strawberries so he doesn't have them at all any more. I have put milk in his oatmeal before but he hasn't had oatmeal in a while. He has such a wide variety of foods I wouldn't know where to start cutting things out. I am BFing so I guess it could be dairy?

    mrsannie, did your LO's rash seemingly come out of no where? How long did he have it? N's skin has been baby soft until a few weeks ago. If it was a food allergy would it have shown up sooner? Or not necessarily?
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • I have many food allergies that didn't develop until my teen years, so they can develop at any time. Especially in an infant whose immune system is still developing. If u suspect food allergy cut all food out except for things u are positive he isn't allergic to or just use rice cereal for a few days. Then slowly start reintroducing foods one at a time and see if he has a reaction. GL!
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  • His hands and feet are fine...I know HFM and this isn't it, although good suggestion!

    As far as foods...I believe he's allergic to strawberries so he doesn't have them at all any more. I have put milk in his oatmeal before but he hasn't had oatmeal in a while. He has such a wide variety of foods I wouldn't know where to start cutting things out. I am BFing so I guess it could be dairy?

    mrsannie, did your LO's rash seemingly come out of no where? How long did he have it? N's skin has been baby soft until a few weeks ago. If it was a food allergy would it have shown up sooner? Or not necessarily?
    Yes, his rash came out of no where and lasted for about 2 months before we figured out what was causing it. I would start with the top 8 allergens and go from there... milk, eggs, peanuts (watch for things that are related: peas, beans), tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat. My son never had any issues with anything I ate while breastfeeding, so it wasn't until we started feeding him solids and trying to feed him formula that we discovered all of his allergies.
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  • My Lo gets a little rash every time a new tooth comes in because he is drooling so much. WalMart has something called Bordeauxs baby kisses this stuff works awesome. It is like a chap stick but works on their cheeks too. my local walmart has it but I could not find it on the website.

    This is what the packaging looks like

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  • The rash has spread over his entire face, under his neck, his legs, his arms, and his back and belly...and every day it's worse. I feel like the cetaphil and the aquaphor are making it worse. I went to the pedi and he said it was eczema and to continue racking my brain to figure out the cause (but nothing has changed!).

    He prescribed a steroid for the bad spots, but those are right around his mouth and I don't feel comfortable using it.

    I feel so defeated. I don't know why he has it, why it's spreading, or what to do for it to go away.

    How does a baby with perfect skin go to having his entire body covered in a rash within 2 weeks? Sigh.

    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • I'm so sorry! That's very frustrating! I would only suggest trying to take little things out of his diet one at a time and see what that does.  
  • Do you think it could be the detergent you are using? 

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  • It could be a million different things. Everything is the same, he's had all the foods he's been eating for months, but I also know they can develop allergies to things out of no where. So, yes, it could be our detergent, it could be dairy, it could be something I'm eating, it could be our dog, etc...there are so many creams/lotions out there and so far none I've used have worked. He had his shots like the day before this started spreading everywhere so now I'm wondering about that, too.

    I'm losing it lol.
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • My lo started to develop a rash from excessive drool. I tried aveeno lotion, aqauphor, and aveeno eczema lotion. I've found that 1% hydrocortisone cream works the best. My pedi recommended it. Anytime he starts breaking out I lather him up and it clears up right away.
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  • kyliensckyliensc member
    edited March 2014
    Could it be psoriasis? I have it and both my daughters have it too. When my DD1 was 9mo old she had an outbreak of plague psoriasis after being exposed to the strep throat virus. I guess that can trigger it. Anyway it sounds similar to your LOs rash. My family doctor referred me to a dermatologist who prescribed a steroid cream. It cleared up after a week or two. Hope you can get some answers.
    You could also try an oatmeal bath.


  • delinodelino member
    edited March 2014
    When my LO had this the only thing that worked was the steroid cream and it was around her mouth as well. Cleared it up within days. We just used a hydrocortisone cream not a prescription. Nothing changed before she got it and nothing changed after. While she does have some mild eczema on her cheeks now, it's nothing that I'm concerned about.

    ETA-I hope it clears up soon. I know how frustrating it is to feel like nothing's helping.
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
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  • Thank you delino. I started applying the steroid cream that the pedi prescribed, but he said only to use it on the bad areas...just his face. I am praying it will clear his face up and his arms, legs, belly and back will clear up with cetaphil. How long did your dd have it?
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • Before treating she had it about 2 weeks maybe and then it was cleared up a week later. Hers started as a little bit on her forehead and the. Spread down the side of her face, to her cheeks and then around her mouth and chin. It looked pretty bad.
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
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  • meganellismeganellis member
    edited March 2014
    Both my 3year old and my 9 month old suffer from eczema. Ive noticed that my sons eczema flares up with the change of seasons. Not sure where you are but could the weather be to blame? We've seen a naturopath who suggested that stress (colds, schedule/sleep changes) triggers skin rashes in certain circumstances as well. We've actually been given lots of advice- yet no cure/explanation- and lots of pots of cortisone. So I guess all I can say is best of luck. eczema is a bitch. :-S
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